Greetings Kinsmen,
War drums beat to the eastand the heat of the summer is upon us. It is time make our final preparationsat Warriors and Warlords and beginning packing for the long trip to Pennsic. Bythe time this missive is published, I have no doubt that the Griffin Army willhave successfully defended our borders from the Midrealm’s incursion at BorderSkirmish.
I am happy to welcome theTHL Kita Jiru Toramassa as my Executive Officer. He will be assisting me withmany of the administrative functions and with command and control on the battlefield.
Those of you who are makingthe trip to Pennsic to support the Crown, please take time to check out thebattle field schedule and battle description/victory conditions at:
This year at war, there willbe daily briefings held in the Northshield Pavilion, during the fighterbreakfast (time to be determined). Warpoints begin on Monday, August 9.
In service,