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August 2010 Northwatch Missive

Greetings unto all as we are well into the heat of summer--

Primus. I would like to thank all of those talented people who have contributed to this issue. The theme, “Stitchery”, obviously hit the right chord with people’s creative energies. Hopefully, next month’s theme, “Education: In period and in the SCA”, will do the same. Theme for October will be “Harvest: Customs surrounding the harvest/things to do with the bounties of the harvest”.

Secundus. I am working on updating the Northshield Chronicler’s Handbook and hope to have it in the hands of all branch Chroniclers by the time you are reading this. Most of the changes will be based on Society changes so we stay in compliance. There is one change that is specifically for Northshield. There is no longer a restriction that a Chronicler cannot also serve as Seneschal or Exchequer of their branch.

Tertius. Speaking of changes in Society policy. There is a minor change of the wording in the legalese at the beginning of this issue (and all subsequent issues) that reflects the increase in membership dues. The membership forms in this issue are also the most up-to-date ones.

Quartus. The winners of the Blackfox Awards have been announced and I’m sorry to say that none of Northshield’s newsletters won this year. However, congratulations to the three newsletters that did get nominated: The Crystal Quill, (Nordskogen) (Chronicler: Nuala injhean uí Choindealbhean); The Forest Watch, (Coille Stoirmeil) (Chronicler: David of the Spinning Winds); and The White Birch (Rokeclif) (Chronicler: Kudrun þe Pilegrim).

Quintus. There has been some interest in being my successor as Chronicler. I hope to have a decision by this time next month and can make the announcment then. If you are still interested in applying, please contact me at chronicler@northshild.org.

Sextus. This issue (well, actually last month’s issue but there was some miscommunication) is sponsored by THL Paul Wickenden of Thanet. The Northwatch is very grateful for his continued support (he usually sponsors the July issue). While we do not actively seek sponsorships like this, we are grateful when someone chooses to support us. The stipend from the Corporate level never quite makes it (we lose about $60-100/month) and we survive on the funds that were raised a couple of years ago. If groups or individuals wish to sponsor an issue, please let me know and I will give you the details on how to go about doing it.

Quod denique. I really am not sure about my eventing schedule for August at this point but I’ll try to make Poormans’ Pennsic and Ages of War. September will see me at Coronation and Windhaven’s Fall Fest for sure. Please feel free to seek me out if you have questions or suggestions about or for this office.

I remain, in service to the Northshield, our Society, and most of all, to the

Other missives from the Kingdom Chronicler
Posted by: Elashava bas Riva Kingdom Chronicler on 8/1/2010

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