Greetings Kinsmen,
As spring gives way tosummer, I think it is important to remind everyone to stay hydrated (includingwater bearers). Remember, there are only two appropriate answers to someoneoffering water or Gatorade: 1) Thank you or 2) Thank you, I just had some. Thegoal is to have lots of fun and ZERO heat related injuries this summer.
Don Trystan has graciouslyagreed to be the Commander of Target Archery for the upcoming Pennsic War. Ifyou will be shooting target archery at war, please contact him.
It is time to put our hardwork and training to the test. The Midrealm will be seeking to test our metalat Border Skirmish and Sir Morgan has a full slate of armored activitiesplanned for Warriors and Warlords. I look forward to seeing you on the field.
In service,
Count Stephen