Justin of Nordskogen and others Justin of Nordskogen and others

May Missive


We are excited to once again sit the Griffin Thrones and are looking forward to a fun summer. At each event we want to join you in as many activities as possible; the SCA is different things to each of us and we want to see the Society through your eyes as we travel. Also, we are hoping to see acts of courtesy and kindness; be the example.

Our Crown tourney is coming and we are thrilled to have heirs and ensure the royal line of Northshield. The round robin format should ensure every competitor gets a good day of fighting with many opportunities to impress the crowd and do honor to their consort.

For awards, we are getting some well-written and considered recommendations; this is awesome! We want to give our hard-working scribes at least a month of notice so if you have a write-in or two you’re thinking of sending in, please try to get them to us early. We intend on notifying the recommender if we are going to give the award, so if we let you know we are giving an award that you recommended, please do your best to subtly get the person we are awarding to the event.

Lastly, PENNSIC!!!!!! IT’S A THING! We love the War; some of our best moments happened at Pennsic; it is a place that creates memories that last a lifetime. Come and join us at Pennsic this year; we will party, fight, shoot, teach and take classes, party some more, tell tales, sing songs, dance, play music, and hopefully sleep at some point.

See you all soon,
Konrad & Aibhilin

Other missives from the Their Royal Majesties
Posted by: Konrad II and Aibhilin II Their Royal Majesties on 4/16/2019

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