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Stallari Meeting Minutes, 9 September 2018

Stallari Council Minutes, September 9, 2018 – Fall Coronation, Barony of Nordskogen

HRM Vladimir Radescu (Scott Theisen)
HRM Petranella Fitzallen of Weston (Salli Weston)
Seneschal – Master Ealdred of Malmsbury (Dawson Lewis)
Eschequer – THL Dyonisia Buleheued (Elizabeth Paul-Soch)
Polaris Herald – Baro Iohannes Glenfidanus (Jonathan Foster)
MOAS – Mistress Annetje van Leuven (Andra Keller)
Earl Marshal – Duke Lars Wolfsblut (Mike Luthner)
Web Minister – Mistress Teffan Koerwent (Kim Richer)
Law Clerk:  Master Gabriel Kjotvason (Patrick Anderson)
Guest:  Chatelaine – THL Kate de Mallow (Kate Hoelscher)

Old Business
1. $1100 was approved for the Nordskogen and Jararvellir baronial transition costs.
2. Discussion on what to do with the funds from the now-defunct shire of Stromfels: Northshield does not have a set procedure for moving the funds; Dyonisia will contact the Society Exchequer for guidance. Dyonisia motioned and Iohannes seconded that when the correct process has been ascertained, the funds will be moved into the General Fund; motion carried.
3. Discussion on the upcoming audit by the Society: $1600 for travel expenses to bring the officer to Northshield was approved at WW. Dyonisia will call the officer and ask for a timeline; she will report to TRMs by September 16.
4. Discussion on Northshield groups’ audits: There are 11 audits left to do; 5 of them are scheduled to take place at events, 6 of them will require the auditors to go to the group. Dyonisia projected they will all be done by Boar’s Head in December.  She will give an update by September 23.
5. Investments: Discussion has been ongoing on what to do with the $31,000 in the savings account. Our banker at US Bank, Mark Judas, researched various options.  Lars motioned and Vladimir seconded to put 2/3 of the money into an 11-month CD, and 1/3 of the money into a 37-month CD. Motion carried. Dyonisia will report on the progress of this issue by September 16.
6. The Northshield Financial Policy was submitted to the Society Exchequer for commentary; the corrections and recommendations have been returned. The Stallari Council went through the policy and finished a corrected draft.
7. It was confirmed that the Northshield Financial Committee is made up of the Stallari Council members. 
8. How to use PayPal is being researched by Mistress Dejaneecie Amidarium Vu (Ingrid Ranney). Dyonisia will check with her and present a report to the council at the Stellar University of Northshield in November.
9. When the budget for 2019 is completed it will be posted online.

Other old business:
Voting outside of meetings:
After discussion, it was decided that Ealdred will propose motions, allowing one week for discussion and one week for voting. The discussion can be extended if necessary. The council secretary will keep track of the votes and post the result. A quorum, as outlined in Kingdom Law as consisting of Their Royal Majesties, the Kingdom seneschal and three other officers, will have to respond for the motion to be carried or failed. It was decided that this procedure should become part of kingdom law to standardize out-of-meeting voting.

Electronic storage: Teffan will be able to store permanent files such as manuals and kingdom reports. She encouraged the officers to consider what else they would like stored. More discussion took place when new business was opened.

Kingdom reports: currently the reports of certain lesser officers are sent to the corresponding Society officer. TRMs proposed a law change which would require those reports to be sent to the Stallari Council as well. The council secretary will keep track of the quarterly reports.

Open officer positions were reviewed and clarified; Teffan needs the name of the job, a job description, who the applications go to, and a deadline for each position before she can post the vacancies.

KEM: Lars motioned that Duke Tom Tinntinnabulum be approved as the next Emergency Deputy KEM, Vladimir seconded. Motion passed

Chronicler: Belle will be stepping down as soon as possible; the position needs to be advertised.

New Business:
Exchequer: Dyonisia reported she had created a new deputy position: the Exchequer Education Deputy is THL Gweniver Kenwyn of Roseveth: her duties will include coordinating education for

exchequers and helping maintaining the Web site with updated information.

Other New Business:
Chatelaine:  At the beginning of the meeting guest THL Kate de Mallow, kingdom chatelaine, presented a tentative plan for training and warranting officers which could be done online. She was given the go-ahead to finalize the plan and present it to the Stallari when done. She then left the meeting.

We are currently in violation of Corpora policy regarding reports from the 3 cantons of Northshield; canton officers should be reporting to their baronies, who will include the canton report with their own.

The two applications for Kingdom Chatelaine were reviewed. Ealdred made a motion to approve Lady Coquette du Lyons as the new chatelaine; Teffan seconded. Motion passed.

Ealdred motioned that the shire of Noiregarde be given permission to hold an event on the second weekend of January, 2019; Vladimir seconded. Motion passed.

Ealdred motioned that the Barony of Castel Rouge be given permission to hold an event on the second weekend of June, 2020; Iohannes seconded. Motion passed.

Discussion was held on the need to update the available electronic tools used as email is not enough. Teffan encouraged the use of Microsoft TEAMS. it is free for use by non-profit organizations. TEAMS allows for file storage, Stallari voting management, and would enable Stallari officers to access former Stallari officers’ e-mails. Teffan will begin to set up the system for demonstration to TRMs.

It was clarified that the appointment of deputies by the MOAS do not need to go through the Stallari Council. Lesser officers listed in Kingdom law do need approval by Stallari. While deputies do not need approval, it was highly encouraged to run the names by the council as a double check.

Seneschal: Petranella motioned that Master Gabriel be approved as the interim emergency deputy seneschal, Ealdred seconded. Motion passed.

Law Changes:
Current Law:  V-810 Emergency Deputies for Greater Officers
All Greater Officers must have an emergency deputy.  The emergency deputy must be approved by the Crown, after consultation with the Greater Officer and the Stallari.
Proposed Law:  V-810 Emergency Deputies for Greater Officers

All Greater Officers must have an emergency deputy.  The emergency deputy must be approved by the Crown, after consultation with the Greater Officer and the Stallari. Emergency deputies to a Great Officer shall keep all communications confidential as if they were that Great Officer. All laws pertaining to confidential information provided to a Great Officer shall also bind that officer’s emergency deputy.

Ealdred motioned and Teffan seconded that the proposed law change to V-810 be passed. Motion carried.

Current Law: V-3050 Chatelaine and Kingdom Social Media Officer reporting chain of command.

Lesser Officers will fulfill the individual requirements of office as defined by the Governing Documents, Kingdom law, and their superiors.

Proposed Law: V-3050 Chatelaine and Kingdom Social Media Officer reporting chain of command.

Lesser Officers will fulfill the individual requirements of office as defined by the Governing Documents, Kingdom law, and their superiors. Lesser Officers shall report to their superiors and the Crown and Heirs as required by established reporting schedules.

Ealdred motioned and Teffan seconded that the proposed law change to V-3050 be passed. Motion carried.

New Laws:
1. Proposed Law:  V-3190 – The Social Media Officer

The Social Media Officer is a lesser officer to the Seneschal, responsible for the use of social media on approved platforms to support the goals of the Society for Creative Anachronism, and to facilitate communication with its participants. Ealdred made the motion that the new law be added to bring Northshield into compliance with Society law. Annetje seconded. Motion passed. The proposed law will now be published for commentary.

2. Proposed Law:  VII-1000 – Marquis and Marchioness
A Territorial Baron or Baroness, once titled, will retain said title until they resign, they leave their barony to become a resident of another place, or their term expires, at which point the Crown shall create them a Marquis or Marchioness. Former Territorial Barons of Baronesses of Baronies located in the Kingdom of Northshield who are currently resident in Northshield and who received a Court Barony after they ceased to be a Territorial Baron or Baroness may resign their Court Barony in writing, at which point they shall automatically be created a Marquis or Marquess, with a date of precedence of the resignation. This resignation must be in writing and sent to the Crown and Kingdom Herald and received on or before March 1, 2019. The resignation is permanent and may not be withdrawn; however, this law does not bar a Crown from awarding that person a Court Barony after the date of resignation.
The Order of Precedence within Northshield is as follows:
  • Sovereign/Consort
  • Heir/Heir’s Consort
  • Dukes/Duchesses
  • Counts/Countesses
  • Viscounts/Viscountesses
  • Peers of the Realm
  • Territorial Barons/Baronesses
  • Marquises/Marchionesses
  • Court Barons/Baronesses
  • Awards and Orders conferring Grants of Arms (including awards from other Kingdoms)
  • Awards and Orders Conferring Awards of Arms (including awards from other Kingdoms)
  • Awards and orders that do not convey precedence
Only Marquises and Marchionesses may wear coronets of either gold or silver with 12 pearls (spheroids), ornamented as they see fit.

The Estate of Marquis or Marchioness shall only be granted to former territorial Barons or Baronesses as set forth in these Laws. Recipients may wear a coronet of either gold or silver with 12 pearls ornamented as they see fit, and should be addressed as ‘Your Excellency’, and styled Marquis or Marchioness. The Estate of Marquis or Marchioness carries with it a Grant of Arms to those not already holding one, and ranks ahead of Court Baronies in the Order of Precedence. The proposed law will now be published for commentary.

The next Stallari Council meeting will be held November 10, 2018, at the SUN event in Coille Stormeil, beginning at 9 am in the Royalty Room.

Posted by: Berenice Calvina Council Secretary (KLO) on 9/9/2018

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