Syr Ilya Yaroslavovich Syr Ilya Yaroslavovich

November 2008 Northwatch Missive

Greeting unto Our Northshield familyfrom Siegfried & Elizabeth,


First off, We would like to congratulateOur Heirs, Tom and Sigrid. As far as service to any Kingdom, being Royalty isinevitably arduous and time consuming, but the kindness shown by the populaceis always more than sufficient as a reward. We thank you all in advance for thesupport you will offer Them. As We know Them well, We have absolute confidenceThey will do Their best to serve Northshield.


We also would extend Our congratulationsand thanks to Duke Raito and Duchess Æsa for their future commitment andservice as Baron and Baroness of Jararvellir. You will find the full text ofthe succession of Jararvellir’s High Seat elsewhere in this issue.


Every Crown of Northshield since the inceptionof Our Kingdom owes a debt to Her Excellency Eithne. To Sovereigns and populacealike she has served long and well. Her time on Jararvellir’s High Seat couldeasily serve as the example for the how the position of a Territorial Baroncyis done to the utmost.


We hope as many of you as possible cantravel to Jararvellir to witness the investiture of their Graces.


In the next few months, We will also betraveling to Tournament of Chivalry, Boar’s Head, Nordskogen’s 12th Night,and It’s Only a Flesh Wound. We hope to see you all there.


In Service and Devotion to the greatestKingdom in the Known World,

UntoOur fellow residents of Jararvellir come greetings Siegfried & Elizabeth,King and Queen of Northshield.

Allof your counsel has been read and tallied. While we're sure many of you wouldlike us to cut to the chase we feel compelled to inform you of some of detailsregarding the polls that left Us immensely proud of this Barony.

  • Nary a disparaging word was offered regarding any of the candidates.  Polls were filled with praise and kind regard.
  • Even when a preference was given, a large number of the polls said that they would be happy with either set of candidates.
  • Many of you wished Us good luck with a very hard choice, as both couples were well qualified and each held in high esteem.
  • The commentary was insightful, considerate, and thorough.
  • Polls were returned by a broad swath of the Barony, from the most established of members to the very new and very young.

Inthe end as the scale tipped in one direction and We let your will be done.

Weare proud to announce that Jaravellir's next Baron and Baroness will beDuke Raito and Duchess Aesa. Wethank them for taking on the lengthy commitment the High Seat demands.

Wealso thank Sir Duncan and Mistress Seonaid for offering to shoulder  this burden as well.

Thededication to this Barony by both couples did not go unnoticed, nor did thegood will the Barony has for each of them.

Finally, We thankeveryone who took part in this process. Jararvellir's future will be the betterfor it.

Other missives from the Their Royal Majesties
Posted by: Siegfried III and Elizabeth I Their Royal Majesties on 11/1/2009

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