We need your input...please help! If you have an opinion concerning any of the below-named individuals, your commentary is very much needed and gratefully received by the Board. In addition, new nominations are always needed and strongly encouraged. Any member may nominate any member, including themselves, for the Board. If you know someone who you think would make a good Board member, please nominate them. Remember that all information in these letters is kept completely confidential, and no one elected to the board sees commentary on themselves.
Please send all comments and nominations to Mitch Steck, Board Recruiting, PO Box 360789, Milpitas CA 95036, msteck@director.sca.org, or recruiting@sca.org. Please include your name and address in any letter sent concerning these matters, and remember to include the name and address of anyone you nominate for the Board so that we may contact them. You will receive a response indicating that we received your correspondence - if you don't hear back from us promptly, we did not get your missive.
Please add the attached list and above noted comments to your next publication. Also if I have listed the wrong person for your kingdom, pleasse forward and advise me of the correct individual.
Thank You
Mitch Steck
Modern Name SCA Name Kingdom Expires
Dianne Grant Sileas ni Dhomhnaill of Goldenoak East 2/11
Darryl Mallett Lord Vallawulf Rurikson Atenveldt 2/11
Ed Carthell Earl Edward Ean Anderson, KSCA, OL An Tir 1/11
Richard Sherman William Walworth di Durham Caid 1/11
Nicolette Deplazes Contessa Giulia Isabella da Venezie Northshield 7/10
Mark Faulcon Duke Martin Lochner Trimaris 7/10
Elise Fleming Countess Alys Katherine Midrealm 7/10
Neil Gilmore Count Kitakaze Tatsu Raito Northshield 7/10
Kimberly Harvey Countess Kenna Harve, OP Midrealm 7/10
Denise Hundley Countess Denise Duvalier Atlantia 7/10
Michael Huston Baron Sir Michael the Lucky Artemisia 7/10
Robbin Koeing Duchess Broinnfinn inghean ui Chathain Gleann Abhann 7/10
Jane B. Malley Mistress Jane Beaumont Gleann Abhann 7/10
Chele Martines Duchesse Sabine de Rouen, OP Middle 7/10
Lisa A. May Countess Margaret ny Connor Ansteorra 7/10
Anthony McCollum THL Morgan dubh MacLeod Gleann Abhann 7/10
Paul Newton Sir Omarad the Wary Middle 1/10
Tom Nobel Duke Lucius Aurelius Valharic Atlantia 7/10
Ralph Odell Sir Caveron Odell Midrealm 7/10
Katherine Palmer Baroness Katherine Angelique d'Artois de Berry, OP, OL Trimaris. 7/10
Sarah Paterson Mistress Elizabeth “Bess” Darney, OL East 7/10
Barbara Reed Baroness Bianca the Inquisitive Meridies 7/10
Leslie Vaughn Mistress Isabeau della Farfalla, OP Atenveldt 7/10
Michael Andrews Master Michael Fenwick of Fotheringhay Ansteorra 1/10
Elizabeth Ann Appleby-Murphy Mistress Catherine Anne Applebee Calontir 1/10
Ben Baron Master Louis-Phillippe Mitouard Outlands 1/10
Andrew Biel Earl Yngvar the Dismal Aethelmearc 1/10
Kevin Conlin Master Rory mac Feidhlimidh Middle 1/10
Kelley Davidson Dame Fianna nic Dhaibhidh Meridies 1/10
Elizabeth Anne Gustafson Mistress Elspeth von Bremen, OP Atenveldt 1/10
Je Nell Hays Baroness Brianna Je Nell Aislynn of Blue Shadows, OL Caid 1/10
Tim Jennings Garraed Galbraith, OL Ealdormere 1/10
Monalee Kendall Baroness Genevieve McCullum de Caen Ansteorra 1/10
Elizabeth Kopros Baroness CuMhara of Holyhead aka Kope Middle 1/10
Patricia Knapp Countess Monika Von Zell O.P.,O.L. Outlands 1/10
Chris Kurtz Baron Kristoff McLain Cameron, OP Atenveldt 1/10
Cathyn Lesanges Earl Cathyn Fitzgerald Middle 7/08
Nikki McCorristin Countess Tianna OP Artemisia 1/10
Owen Shribman Baron Rowen Killian Caid 1/10
Eileen Hart Steinhardt Lady Fionnghuala ingean Diarmaida Aethelmearc 1/10
Blair Wettlaufer Brand Thorwaldsson Ealdormere 1/10