Murdoch Mcarthur Murdoch Mcarthur

Northwatch Advertising Policies

One 1/4 page event ad (3.625" W x 4.75" H [vertical] or 7.5" W x 2.25" H [horizontal]) is furnished to local Northshield groups at no charge. Merchants and other groups or organizations may also advertise in official SCA publications, subject to the approval of the Chronicler and the Stallari Council. See the Northwatch Advertising Guidelines document below for specifications and pricing.

Merchant Ads

The Northwatch may accept paid advertising from SCA related merchants and businesses. All merchant ads must carry the banner “PAID ADVERTISEMENT.” These ads will be placed on a pre-paid, space-available basis.

Sponsorship Ads

Local groups, guilds, individuals, and merchants may sponsor a page or issue of the Northwatch.

Ad Sizes and Pricing

  • Half Page 7.5" W × 4.74" H (horizontal) or 3.625" W x 9.75" (vertical) $75
  • Quarter Page 3.625" W x 4.75" H (vertical) or 7.5" W x 2.25" H (horizontal) $50
  • Eighth Page 7.5" W x 1.125" H (horizontal) $30
  • Page Sponsorship 4.5" W × 0.37" H $10
  • Issue Sponsorship 4.5" W × 1.7" H $200


Make checks payable to SCA, Inc. – Kingdom of Northshield and send to the Kingdom Exchequer. Include a note stating what the check is for.


Ad Materials

It is preferred that ads be submitted by email, either as unformatted text or a fully-formatted ad. If you plan to submit a formatted ad, please contact the Northwatch team first to ask what types of files can be used.

Event Ad Policies, Requirements, & Guidelines

SCA event ads will be provided as follows:

  • All Northshield Events - Quarter page FREE for 1 month

Event ads may be “upgraded” to a 1/2 page for $25 per month or a full page for $50 per month. Additional months may be purchased at the same prices as merchant ads—see above for pricing & payment details. Exceptions to this policy are at the discretion of the Northwatch Editor after consulting with the Crown and the Stallari Council.

Local groups are not required to advertise their events. However, “official business” (presentation of awards, proclamation of laws, advancement or change in group status) must be conducted at an event which was advertised at least once within one month of the event.

The 2nd weekend of each month is reserved for the use of the Royalty/Kingdom. If you wish to use these weekends, you must petition the Royalty through the Kingdom Seneschal.

No two events will be allowed within a 150 mile radius of each other. This protects both groups from decreased attendance. The Kingdom Seneschal may grant exceptions.

Except for Kingdom events, no event may be placed on the official Kingdom calendar more than 12 months in advance without the approval of the Kingdom Seneschal.

Events will appear on the Northwatch calendar and may have ads in the Northwatch if the event information is received and approved by the Event Information Officer by the 15th day of the month before the publication deadline (eg, September 15th for a September 20th submission deadline for inclusion in the November issue).

The editor reserves the right to edit material to fit.

Send event ads to the Event Information Officer:

All event ads must include:

  • Full Name of the Event 
  • Date(s) of the event
  • Name of host branch
  • Name and Street Address of the Site
  • Time site opens/closes
  • Alcohol policies: consumption / judging / sale
  • Handicap accessibility
  • Fees: site/feast/merchant; in advance & on site
  • Other fees: reasons/amount
  • Reservations/deadlines
  • Checks payable to __________
  • Send reservations to __________
  • Contact info for Event Steward & Head Cook (SCA name, real name, address, phone, e-mail)

Optional Information:

  • Website URL
  • Feast Menu
  • Legible Map
  • Showers
  • Off-Board Seating

Will the following be allowed / available:

  • Children’s activities
  • Populace Space
  • Food other than feast
  • Merchant Space

Posted by: Elashava bas Riva Northwatch Editor (KLO) on 3/4/2009

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