A few of the lovely ladies from Silfren Mere A few of the lovely ladies from Silfren Mere

February Missive


Peace and Love be unto all those within Northshield’s borders!

I hope you enjoy this month’s issue on Courtly Love! This is the perfect time to remember our loved ones and to remember to bring Courtly Love, in all its forms, to events! I would like to take a moment to thank the contributors who submitted content for this month’s issue. It is my hope that the art and articles inspire you to share your poems, songs, and art with others!

For those of you itching to submit content for future issues, the March issue will focus on going to foreign wars, April is our annual silly issue, May will be on all things new, and June will be on heralds and the heraldic arts. Please consider submitting something. I am also interested in what YOU want to see in your newsletter. If there is a theme you are interested in, please feel free to contact me at chronicler@northshield.org and I will add your ideas to future Northwatches. Your dedication to our newsletter makes it one of the best in the known world!

Finally, I am planning on attending Tacky Garb Ball, Lupercalia, Hertzkrieg, and Gulf Wars. I am still looking for a Northwatch editor and, eventually, a successor. If you are interested in either of these positions, please feel free to touch base at any of these events, or feel free to contact me via email.

I remain faithfully yours in service,


Other missives from the Kingdom Chronicler
Posted by: Isabella Beatrice della Rosa Kingdom Chronicler on 1/13/2017

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