Master Thorbjorn the Graysides Master Thorbjorn the Graysides

December Missive


Coming into the end of the year, I need to remind groups and exchequers of two important tasks: Domesday reports and annual budgets. I strongly recommend starting both early and asking for help with any challenges.

The Domesday report is different from the quarterly reports in a few ways. I must receive a signed paper copy of the report and any bank statements not previously provided to the kingdom. I urge exchequers to think about the logistics of holiday travel and potentially longer mailing times when arranging signatures. The report also needs to include a printout of the branch inventory. Domesday report requirements are explained on page 5 of Northshield Financial Policy.

Each group needs to update their annual budget. The budgeting process should be a collaboration between the exchequer, seneschal, and financial committee. With the busy holiday season, this
can be a challenge. I appreciate all those involved in the budgeting process giving their time and service to this vital activity.

Finally, I want to wish the populace of Northshield a safe and happy holiday season.

With kind regards,

Other missives from the Kingdom Chancellor of the Exchequer
Posted by: Apollonia Sybilla Rebil Kingdom Chancellor of the Exchequer on 11/17/2016

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