Master Antonio de Casa d'Aqua called "Price" Master Antonio de Casa d'Aqua called "Price"

Archery Rankings - Kingdom of Northshield

Important Information

Archer Rankings will be determined by Royal Round scores. Scores are based on a shoot using the NAA-FITA standard 5 color, 60 centimeter round targets and consisting of one end of 6 arrows shot at measured distances of 20, 30, and 40 yards, and a 30 second speed round at 20 yards. All Royal Rounds must be shot in the presence of an Archery Marshal. You may shoot as many Royal Rounds per day as you wish, but only one will count (the highest).

Once you achieve a ranking, you keep that rank until you move to the next ranking. But, you should continue shooting and turning in scores in order to keep that rank active.

Archers with no current scores will stay on the list for two years, after that they are considered inactive and will be moved to a retired list.

Scores should be e-mailed to Rankings will be posted here, so keep an eye out for it.

Please include mundane names as well as SCA name, bow type, and group with your scores. I must have mundane names in order to enter archers into the database and to enter scores.

Posted by: Emeric atte Whytoke Kingdom Archer General (KLO) on 7/17/2008

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