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June Missive


At the time of this writing, we are little morethan a week out from our Crown Tournament.We are both excited to watch the pageantry andhonorable combat and are looking forward tomeeting our new Heirs. As we read the letters ofintent for the day, we realized that every couplewho put in their name would do a fantastic jobas stewards of our Kingdom. Vivant, Northshield!

We want to express our utmost thanks to theShire of Rivenwood Tower for being amazinghosts for our Coronation. The day was perfectand everything ran smoothly. Bardic Madnesswas the following weekend and, as usual, wasa riot of song, poetry and laughter. Thank youto the Shire of Rokeclif for being our generoushosts and for Mistress Eithni for her last run asProvost. The travel out to Northshield RapierAcademy and Provost Tournament was long butwell worth the time. Overall, we have both beenhumbled and grateful for the hospitality of ourStellar Kingdom.

There are so many new things in the works rightnow — projects for the SCA 50 Year celebrationand for events closer to home — and we are bothexcited to see them come into being. Please watchthe email list and social media for announcementsand information. Many things are looking forvolunteers and extra hands to make lighter thework.

A busy camping season approaches, we lookforward to spending time with all of the populace,sharing our inspiration and visiting many bardicfires throughout our lands and abroad over thecoming months. Our travel is confirmed, at thistime, for Castle Fever, Border Skirmish, 50YearCelebration, and WW. Our schedule is gettinglocked in for the end of summer so please keepan eye on the Kingdom Calendar for updates. Ifyou need to contact us, please email one of ourchamberlains.

Gwenhwyvar and Rhys

Other missives from the Their Royal Majesties
Posted by: Rhys and Gwenhwyvar Their Royal Majesties on 5/13/2016

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