I think he's dead, Martin! I think he's dead, Martin!

January Missive


While we are all in the midst of making arrangements for winter travels, we would askthat you take some time to consider a journeyin what is hopefully a warmer month—GulfWars. His Majesty and I will be makingthe long trip there come March and wouldencourage those of you who can to join usthere. Northshielders, we are proud of YOU,and we would love to show you off to the restof the Known World!

In the meantime, we are looking forward toholiday festivities at Boar’s Head, Nordskogen12th Night, and Noiregarde’s Yuletide. We willalso be visiting our friends in Calontir at KrisKinder.

We would also like to encourage those of youwho are able to attend Winter War Maneuversin Calontir. We realize it is a long trek, butit provides an excellent chance to knock therust off of battle skills before War season. Weare unfortunately unable to attend ourselves,but we would love to see Northshield wellrepresented there.

Stay warm, and stay well,

Toyaoka-Tenno andCwen Æthelflæd

Other missives from the Their Royal Majesties
Posted by: Toyaoka Katsuo and Aethelflaed Their Royal Majesties on 12/14/2015

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