Northshield Stallari MinutesWWX - July 12, 2003
Present: HSH Leif Haakonson (Dennis Nedweski); HSH Astrid of the Yellow Rose (Nanci Nedweski); Lord Heir Aubrey Swyftwater (Steve Monthony) and Lady Heir Anne Geofferys of Warwick (Nancy Cuno-Schmitz); Baroness Marisela the Vintner (Barbara Coenen), Principality Chronicler; Mistress Liadan na Caimron (Barbara England), Principality Minister of Arts & Sciences; Lord Fiskr Hamondsen (Jon Larsen), Principality Seneschal; Captain Vladimir Volcovich Syehvrnielesov (Harry Kahan), Principality Earl Marshal; Lady Eleanor Isabeau du Coeur (Beth Hart-Carlock) Principality Chirurgeon; Lord Alasdair Calum Montgomery (Jack Welch), Polaris Herald; and HRH Alasdair MacFhearghuis (Chris Dark).
Minutes by Lady Brigid de Bec (Pat Larsen), Stallari Council Secretary.
Next meeting will be Saturday at Armorgedden, September 13. Vlad suggested that he could invite Calontir to sit in when we talk about reorganizing Armorgedden. It was noted that we should invite Border Downs to this discussion as well.