While doing some genealogical research on my family, I was surprised and delighted to find that I had an ancestor named Scholastica, as I am an English Language Arts, Theatre, and Speech and Debate teacher in the mundane world. The name Scholastica derives from the late Latin scholasticus meaning "rhetorician, orator." Scholastica is also the name of the 6th-century Benedictine abbess Saint Scholastica, who was the twin sister of Saint Benedict of Nursia.
The surname Delacroix "of the Cross" is also the surname of my husband's persona Artus Delacroix who is French.
Scholastica Delacroix is an educated Roman Catholic wife, mother of five, and a fairly skilled rhetorician who enjoys reading and performing. She is attempting to learn more about the fabric arts and increase her skill in that area. She enjoys cooking and hosting. She attempts to garden; however, she has more knowledge on gardening than actual implementation. She is insanely enamored with her very attractive, intelligent, creative, and talented husband Artus Delacroix.
I am unsure if my persona is also French or perhaps a mixed origin with Spanish. The rest of my persona is still currently under construction and other areas of detail will be added once my research has come to fruition.