I will be attending events again after a time off to care for my family. These will be mostly local as I need to always be near family for health reasons.
I have been Tudor English since I joined in AS 20 (Summer of 1984, Kingdom of Ansteorra, shire of Middleford, now the Stronghold of Hellsgate). I have always gone to events as a Viking as I am sewing challenged. My first AOA was in Ansteorra, my second from the Midrealm. I suspect that I am done collecting any awards as I am very outspoken.
My interests are Jewelry, Fighting, Honor, and service to my King and Queen.
I have been in the Barony of Jararvellir since September of A.S. XXIII (23) and have been active for most of that time. I was a heavy fighter until those pesky doctors put a stop to that. I am now concentrating on my A&S projects (SCA) and researching Historical Jewelry Manufacturing processes mundanely while also writing a book about aiglets.
My SCA name actually comes from the great comedian Jerry Lewis. (A long weekend in the barracks, A Jerry Lewis movie marathon on TV and lots of beer.)
I was the Minister of Arts & Sciences for the Barony of Jararvellir and our cantons in the past.
As of May 6th, AS 55 (2020) I was again but family issues made me have to step down.
I also hope to serve the Kingdom someday as A&S Minister.
Armored Combat Champion Mayday 1991 to Mayday 1992.
Currently serving as the Jararvellir Historian since March of 2018
Baronial Fool 2004