From "Day of Arbeau III" From "Day of Arbeau III"
Award: Court Baron/Baroness
Persona: Greta Rahikkainen
Presenting Branch/Group: Kingdom of Northshield
Presented on 7/11/2009 at Warriors and Warlords ( 14 other awards given at this event.)
Presenting Royalty: Stephen and Ailleanne
Calligraphy & Illumination by Kit Marik syn . Displayed with permission. Please contact the scribe(s) for permission if you wish to copy or use this artwork.
Picture of Award
Award/Scroll Wording:
When individual distinguish themselves through long and tireless service, it is the Crown's right to recognize them for their hard work. Greta Rahikkamen has through the years, held the position of Kingdom Exchequer twice, organized many fundraisers to fill Royal and Kingdom coffers, and has offered tireless service to many crowns. It is for these reason that we Stephen, King of Northshield and Queen Ailleanne do herby recognize Greta as a Baroness of Our court. Done by our hand this eleventh day of July, Anno Societatus XLIV at Warriors and Warlords XVI.
Notes about the Award/Scroll:
Book is fully three dimensional, pages are curly maple, cover is mahogany, bookmark is padauk. Wording is done with pen and ink, the illumination is copper, brass and aluminum wire inlay.

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