Arts and Science - Stained glass project Arts and Science - Stained glass project
Golden Tate, Order of - Blazon:

Golden Tate, Order of (Total Presented: 9)

(Fieldless) A goutte de sang charged with a kernel of wheat Or. Members of this Order were created during the tenure of Baroness Asdis Stefansdottir. In the first fifteen years of Jaravellir this served as the only Baronial honor, given for service to the group. This Order was closed with the departure of Asdis.
  Persona Name Presenting Branch Name Court Date Event Name Presenting Royalty
Bridei nic Gillechattan Barony of Jararvellir
Bronwyn ferch Gwyn ap Rhys Barony of Jararvellir
Calvin Fletcher Barony of Jararvellir
Dumal Ruithilcaraid Barony of Jararvellir
Duncan MacThearlach Barony of Jararvellir
Elashava bas Riva Barony of Jararvellir
Fiona MacGregor Barony of Jararvellir
Giles Devon Barony of Jararvellir
Kitakaze Tatsu Raito Barony of Jararvellir

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