Ingus Moen Ingus Moen
 Embattled Catfish, Order of - Blazon:

Embattled Catfish, Order of (Total Presented: 34)

Azure, a fess embattled and in chief a catfish naiant contourny, a bordure Or. Entry into this Order is offered to Martial participants, be it in Armoured Combat, Rapier Combat, Archery, Thrown Weapons, Scouting, or Equestrian, who have competed in a war, battle, or campaign while representing the Barony in Baronial livery. The Gold Embattlement is added to the participant's Fish tabard, baldric or favor upon entry to the Order.
  Persona Name Presenting Branch Name Court Date Event Name Presenting Royalty
Aaron Stenwood Barony of Jararvellir
Adrien de Troyes Barony of Jararvellir
Alinor of Braeford Barony of Jararvellir
Amerythe MacAngus Barony of Jararvellir
Antonio Franco di Milano Barony of Jararvellir
Aoife Cno Capaill Barony of Jararvellir
Arslan Sanjarzade Yildirim-Kilij Barony of Jararvellir
Cormac ui Bruiin Boruma Barony of Jararvellir
Drachon Barony of Jararvellir
Eirik Greycloak Barony of Jararvellir
Emmett Cno' Capaill Barony of Jararvellir
Ethan of Jararvellir Barony of Jararvellir
Ewen of Jararvellir Barony of Jararvellir
Giles Devon Barony of Jararvellir
Gráinne Fhionnabhair inghean Fhaoláin Barony of Jararvellir
Gregor Von Grumbach Barony of Jararvellir
Gwydion of Blackmoor Barony of Jararvellir
James Applegate Barony of Jararvellir
James the Delicate Barony of Jararvellir
Jois Corbet Barony of Jararvellir
Kitakaze Tatsu Raito Barony of Jararvellir
Knut av Lokken Barony of Jararvellir
Nikolaus der Auslander Barony of Jararvellir
Odo Uthyr Barony of Jararvellir
Odoacer Probissimus Barony of Jararvellir
Padruig Maclennan Barony of Jararvellir
Pwyll ap Oissin Barony of Jararvellir
Seraphina de la Warre Barony of Jararvellir
Sven Bygolly Barony of Jararvellir
Thirth of Jararvellir Barony of Jararvellir
Tomas Ordones Sandino de Triana Barony of Jararvellir
Torvik the Chaste Barony of Jararvellir
Toussaint de Caluwé Barony of Jararvellir
Trystan der Fackeltrager Barony of Jararvellir

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