Fighters taking position Fighters taking position
Purple Fretty - Blazon:

Purple Fretty (Total Presented: 17)

  Persona Name Presenting Branch Name Court Date Event Name Presenting Royalty
Barony of Castel Rouge Kingdom of Middle
Caer Anterth Needleworkers Kingdom of Middle
Canton of Coille Stormeil Kingdom of Middle
Elashava bas Riva Kingdom of Middle
Illuminators of Northshield Kingdom of Middle
Illuminators of Northshield Kingdom of Middle
Jararvellir Fletcher's Guild Kingdom of Middle
Jararvellir Music Guild Kingdom of Middle
Jararvellir Needle Arts Guild Kingdom of Middle
Jock's School of Tyranny Kingdom of Middle
Korsvag, Shire of Kingdom of Middle
Mystig Waetru, Shire of Kingdom of Middle
Nordskogen Needleworkers Guild Kingdom of Middle
Nordskogen, Barony of Kingdom of Middle
Rockwall Needleworkers Guild Kingdom of Middle
Skerjastrond, Shire of Kingdom of Middle
Tokí inn bloðauga Magnusson Kingdom of Middle

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