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Marshal Report Schedule

All Non-Boffer Marshals

Youth/Boffer Combat Marshals

Event/Tournament Reports

  • Event/tournament reports should be sent to the respective Regional Deputy Marshal for the activity, and are due within 14 days of the end of the event. If there is no regional, or that office is vacant, reports should be sent to the respective Deputy Earl Marshal for the activity. Any injuries or incidents need to be reported to the DEM, who will report it to the KEM within 48 hours. (Report Form)

Use this form to submit Domesday/annual marshal reports.

Marshal Activity:
Marshal Status:
MICEventActivities Performed

Any Injuries, Problems, Concerns or Comments (also include any unlisted events):

If you have additional documentation, please send it separately - send authorization paperwork to the Clerk of the Roster ( and send non-participant waivers to the Minister of Waivers (

Please note: When you click submit, you may receive an error message indicating that a mailbox is unavailable. If this happens, your report has been submitted and filed, but you will not receive an email notification. You can press the 'back' button in your browser and re-submit, and it almost always works the second time.

If you do not wish to create an account on this site to send in your report please send it to directly.
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