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Marshal Report Schedule
All Non-Boffer Marshals
Group Marshals, Group Marshals-in-Training, and Marshals-in-Training:
February 25 (
Report Form
May 25 (
Report Form
August 25 (
Report Form
November 25 (
Report Form
Marshals of the Field:
November 25 (
Report Form
Youth/Boffer Combat Marshals
Group Marshals, Group Marshals-in-Training, Marshals of the Field, and Marshals-in-Training:
February 25 (
Report Form
May 25 (
Report Form
August 25 (
Report Form
November 25 (
Report Form
Event/Tournament Reports
Event/tournament reports should be sent to the respective Regional Deputy Marshal for the activity, and are due within 14 days of the end of the event. If there is no regional, or that office is vacant, reports should be sent to the respective Deputy Earl Marshal for the activity. Any injuries or incidents need to be reported to the DEM, who will report it to the KEM within 48 hours. (
Report Form
Use this form to submit Domesday/annual marshal reports.
Marshal Activity:
-- Select Marshal Activity --
Armored Combat
Rebated Steel Combat
Rapier Combat
Thrown Weapons
Youth Boffer Combat
Marshal Status:
-- Select Marshal Status --
Group Marshal
Group Marshal in Training
Marshal of the Field
Marshal of the Field in Training
Activities Performed
-- Select Event --
Officers' Week (02-17-25)
Hertzkrieg XXVIII (02-15-25)
Aedult Swim (02-14-25)
St. Valentine's Day Massacre & Tournament of Chivalry (02-08-25)
A February Frolicking of Fools (02-01-25)
Feast of Lupercalia (02-01-25)
A Midwinter's Day Feast (01-25-25)
Wacky Garb Ball: Blast from the Past (01-25-25)
Nordskogen Twelfth Night (01-18-25)
Winter Regional Melee Practice***CANCELLED *** (12-14-24)
Feast of the Boar's Head (12-07-24)
Toys for Tots Tournament (11-16-24)
SUN - Stellar University of Northshield (11-09-24)
40th Northshield Crown Tournament & 20th Kingdom Anniversary***DATE CHANGE BY STALLARI ** (10-19-24)
Chilies War (10-11-24)
Fall Brawl LIX (10-11-24)
Haustblot- A Norse Harvest Festival (09-27-24)
Missle Mayhem IV ***CANCELLED **** (09-21-24)
Hrothgar's Hall XIII (09-20-24)
Northshield Fall Coronation (09-13-24)
Pirate for a Day 5: We think; therefore we ARRRRR (09-07-24)
Feathers and Steel (09-06-24)
The Griffin Needle Challenge 2024 (09-06-24)
Known World Cooks and Bards (08-30-24)
Constantinople to Istanbul - A Gimli Event (08-30-24)
St. Radegund’s Rose Tournament (08-22-24)
Poor Man's Pennsic (08-16-24)
BYOM XX (Bring Your Own Marshal) Vilku Urvas XXV (08-15-24)
Pennsic War 51 (07-26-24)
Warriors and Warlords XXIX (07-11-24)
Midsummer's Eve XXI: Academy of Arts & Sciences (07-06-24)
Thatsa Mare - Gone to Plaid! (07-05-24)
Known World Dance and Music Symposium XIV (07-04-24)
Battlemoor (07-03-24)
Hero's Feast (06-29-24)
Known World Heraldic and Scribal Symposium (06-29-24)
Castle Fever (06-22-24)
Untitled Rapier Event (06-15-24)
Lilies War 2024 (06-07-24)
War Practice Weekend at The Roost II (06-07-24)
Kingdom Arts & Sciences Competition (06-01-24)
Great Western Regional FARE (05-30-24)
Schützenfest XIV (05-17-24)
Northshield Spring Crown Tournament (05-11-24)
Bardic Madness XXXI: Fabulous Fables (05-04-24)
Blades of Glory (04-27-24)
Provost Challenge (04-26-24)
Northshield Spring Coronation**DATE CHANGE** (04-20-24)
April Artisan Faire (04-13-24)
Spring Elevation Celebration (04-06-24)
THAT MOOT THINGY XXIV -The Compass Rose always points Home! (03-15-24)
Gulf Wars (03-09-24)
Hertzkrieg XXVII (03-02-24)
The Most Excellent Winter Archery Extravaganza and Clinic*** DATE CHANGE*** (02-24-24)
-- Select Event --
Officers' Week (02-17-25)
Hertzkrieg XXVIII (02-15-25)
Aedult Swim (02-14-25)
St. Valentine's Day Massacre & Tournament of Chivalry (02-08-25)
A February Frolicking of Fools (02-01-25)
Feast of Lupercalia (02-01-25)
A Midwinter's Day Feast (01-25-25)
Wacky Garb Ball: Blast from the Past (01-25-25)
Nordskogen Twelfth Night (01-18-25)
Winter Regional Melee Practice***CANCELLED *** (12-14-24)
Feast of the Boar's Head (12-07-24)
Toys for Tots Tournament (11-16-24)
SUN - Stellar University of Northshield (11-09-24)
40th Northshield Crown Tournament & 20th Kingdom Anniversary***DATE CHANGE BY STALLARI ** (10-19-24)
Chilies War (10-11-24)
Fall Brawl LIX (10-11-24)
Haustblot- A Norse Harvest Festival (09-27-24)
Missle Mayhem IV ***CANCELLED **** (09-21-24)
Hrothgar's Hall XIII (09-20-24)
Northshield Fall Coronation (09-13-24)
Pirate for a Day 5: We think; therefore we ARRRRR (09-07-24)
Feathers and Steel (09-06-24)
The Griffin Needle Challenge 2024 (09-06-24)
Known World Cooks and Bards (08-30-24)
Constantinople to Istanbul - A Gimli Event (08-30-24)
St. Radegund’s Rose Tournament (08-22-24)
Poor Man's Pennsic (08-16-24)
BYOM XX (Bring Your Own Marshal) Vilku Urvas XXV (08-15-24)
Pennsic War 51 (07-26-24)
Warriors and Warlords XXIX (07-11-24)
Midsummer's Eve XXI: Academy of Arts & Sciences (07-06-24)
Thatsa Mare - Gone to Plaid! (07-05-24)
Known World Dance and Music Symposium XIV (07-04-24)
Battlemoor (07-03-24)
Hero's Feast (06-29-24)
Known World Heraldic and Scribal Symposium (06-29-24)
Castle Fever (06-22-24)
Untitled Rapier Event (06-15-24)
Lilies War 2024 (06-07-24)
War Practice Weekend at The Roost II (06-07-24)
Kingdom Arts & Sciences Competition (06-01-24)
Great Western Regional FARE (05-30-24)
Schützenfest XIV (05-17-24)
Northshield Spring Crown Tournament (05-11-24)
Bardic Madness XXXI: Fabulous Fables (05-04-24)
Blades of Glory (04-27-24)
Provost Challenge (04-26-24)
Northshield Spring Coronation**DATE CHANGE** (04-20-24)
April Artisan Faire (04-13-24)
Spring Elevation Celebration (04-06-24)
THAT MOOT THINGY XXIV -The Compass Rose always points Home! (03-15-24)
Gulf Wars (03-09-24)
Hertzkrieg XXVII (03-02-24)
The Most Excellent Winter Archery Extravaganza and Clinic*** DATE CHANGE*** (02-24-24)
-- Select Event --
Officers' Week (02-17-25)
Hertzkrieg XXVIII (02-15-25)
Aedult Swim (02-14-25)
St. Valentine's Day Massacre & Tournament of Chivalry (02-08-25)
A February Frolicking of Fools (02-01-25)
Feast of Lupercalia (02-01-25)
A Midwinter's Day Feast (01-25-25)
Wacky Garb Ball: Blast from the Past (01-25-25)
Nordskogen Twelfth Night (01-18-25)
Winter Regional Melee Practice***CANCELLED *** (12-14-24)
Feast of the Boar's Head (12-07-24)
Toys for Tots Tournament (11-16-24)
SUN - Stellar University of Northshield (11-09-24)
40th Northshield Crown Tournament & 20th Kingdom Anniversary***DATE CHANGE BY STALLARI ** (10-19-24)
Chilies War (10-11-24)
Fall Brawl LIX (10-11-24)
Haustblot- A Norse Harvest Festival (09-27-24)
Missle Mayhem IV ***CANCELLED **** (09-21-24)
Hrothgar's Hall XIII (09-20-24)
Northshield Fall Coronation (09-13-24)
Pirate for a Day 5: We think; therefore we ARRRRR (09-07-24)
Feathers and Steel (09-06-24)
The Griffin Needle Challenge 2024 (09-06-24)
Known World Cooks and Bards (08-30-24)
Constantinople to Istanbul - A Gimli Event (08-30-24)
St. Radegund’s Rose Tournament (08-22-24)
Poor Man's Pennsic (08-16-24)
BYOM XX (Bring Your Own Marshal) Vilku Urvas XXV (08-15-24)
Pennsic War 51 (07-26-24)
Warriors and Warlords XXIX (07-11-24)
Midsummer's Eve XXI: Academy of Arts & Sciences (07-06-24)
Thatsa Mare - Gone to Plaid! (07-05-24)
Known World Dance and Music Symposium XIV (07-04-24)
Battlemoor (07-03-24)
Hero's Feast (06-29-24)
Known World Heraldic and Scribal Symposium (06-29-24)
Castle Fever (06-22-24)
Untitled Rapier Event (06-15-24)
Lilies War 2024 (06-07-24)
War Practice Weekend at The Roost II (06-07-24)
Kingdom Arts & Sciences Competition (06-01-24)
Great Western Regional FARE (05-30-24)
Schützenfest XIV (05-17-24)
Northshield Spring Crown Tournament (05-11-24)
Bardic Madness XXXI: Fabulous Fables (05-04-24)
Blades of Glory (04-27-24)
Provost Challenge (04-26-24)
Northshield Spring Coronation**DATE CHANGE** (04-20-24)
April Artisan Faire (04-13-24)
Spring Elevation Celebration (04-06-24)
THAT MOOT THINGY XXIV -The Compass Rose always points Home! (03-15-24)
Gulf Wars (03-09-24)
Hertzkrieg XXVII (03-02-24)
The Most Excellent Winter Archery Extravaganza and Clinic*** DATE CHANGE*** (02-24-24)
-- Select Event --
Officers' Week (02-17-25)
Hertzkrieg XXVIII (02-15-25)
Aedult Swim (02-14-25)
St. Valentine's Day Massacre & Tournament of Chivalry (02-08-25)
A February Frolicking of Fools (02-01-25)
Feast of Lupercalia (02-01-25)
A Midwinter's Day Feast (01-25-25)
Wacky Garb Ball: Blast from the Past (01-25-25)
Nordskogen Twelfth Night (01-18-25)
Winter Regional Melee Practice***CANCELLED *** (12-14-24)
Feast of the Boar's Head (12-07-24)
Toys for Tots Tournament (11-16-24)
SUN - Stellar University of Northshield (11-09-24)
40th Northshield Crown Tournament & 20th Kingdom Anniversary***DATE CHANGE BY STALLARI ** (10-19-24)
Chilies War (10-11-24)
Fall Brawl LIX (10-11-24)
Haustblot- A Norse Harvest Festival (09-27-24)
Missle Mayhem IV ***CANCELLED **** (09-21-24)
Hrothgar's Hall XIII (09-20-24)
Northshield Fall Coronation (09-13-24)
Pirate for a Day 5: We think; therefore we ARRRRR (09-07-24)
Feathers and Steel (09-06-24)
The Griffin Needle Challenge 2024 (09-06-24)
Known World Cooks and Bards (08-30-24)
Constantinople to Istanbul - A Gimli Event (08-30-24)
St. Radegund’s Rose Tournament (08-22-24)
Poor Man's Pennsic (08-16-24)
BYOM XX (Bring Your Own Marshal) Vilku Urvas XXV (08-15-24)
Pennsic War 51 (07-26-24)
Warriors and Warlords XXIX (07-11-24)
Midsummer's Eve XXI: Academy of Arts & Sciences (07-06-24)
Thatsa Mare - Gone to Plaid! (07-05-24)
Known World Dance and Music Symposium XIV (07-04-24)
Battlemoor (07-03-24)
Hero's Feast (06-29-24)
Known World Heraldic and Scribal Symposium (06-29-24)
Castle Fever (06-22-24)
Untitled Rapier Event (06-15-24)
Lilies War 2024 (06-07-24)
War Practice Weekend at The Roost II (06-07-24)
Kingdom Arts & Sciences Competition (06-01-24)
Great Western Regional FARE (05-30-24)
Schützenfest XIV (05-17-24)
Northshield Spring Crown Tournament (05-11-24)
Bardic Madness XXXI: Fabulous Fables (05-04-24)
Blades of Glory (04-27-24)
Provost Challenge (04-26-24)
Northshield Spring Coronation**DATE CHANGE** (04-20-24)
April Artisan Faire (04-13-24)
Spring Elevation Celebration (04-06-24)
THAT MOOT THINGY XXIV -The Compass Rose always points Home! (03-15-24)
Gulf Wars (03-09-24)
Hertzkrieg XXVII (03-02-24)
The Most Excellent Winter Archery Extravaganza and Clinic*** DATE CHANGE*** (02-24-24)
-- Select Event --
Officers' Week (02-17-25)
Hertzkrieg XXVIII (02-15-25)
Aedult Swim (02-14-25)
St. Valentine's Day Massacre & Tournament of Chivalry (02-08-25)
A February Frolicking of Fools (02-01-25)
Feast of Lupercalia (02-01-25)
A Midwinter's Day Feast (01-25-25)
Wacky Garb Ball: Blast from the Past (01-25-25)
Nordskogen Twelfth Night (01-18-25)
Winter Regional Melee Practice***CANCELLED *** (12-14-24)
Feast of the Boar's Head (12-07-24)
Toys for Tots Tournament (11-16-24)
SUN - Stellar University of Northshield (11-09-24)
40th Northshield Crown Tournament & 20th Kingdom Anniversary***DATE CHANGE BY STALLARI ** (10-19-24)
Chilies War (10-11-24)
Fall Brawl LIX (10-11-24)
Haustblot- A Norse Harvest Festival (09-27-24)
Missle Mayhem IV ***CANCELLED **** (09-21-24)
Hrothgar's Hall XIII (09-20-24)
Northshield Fall Coronation (09-13-24)
Pirate for a Day 5: We think; therefore we ARRRRR (09-07-24)
Feathers and Steel (09-06-24)
The Griffin Needle Challenge 2024 (09-06-24)
Known World Cooks and Bards (08-30-24)
Constantinople to Istanbul - A Gimli Event (08-30-24)
St. Radegund’s Rose Tournament (08-22-24)
Poor Man's Pennsic (08-16-24)
BYOM XX (Bring Your Own Marshal) Vilku Urvas XXV (08-15-24)
Pennsic War 51 (07-26-24)
Warriors and Warlords XXIX (07-11-24)
Midsummer's Eve XXI: Academy of Arts & Sciences (07-06-24)
Thatsa Mare - Gone to Plaid! (07-05-24)
Known World Dance and Music Symposium XIV (07-04-24)
Battlemoor (07-03-24)
Hero's Feast (06-29-24)
Known World Heraldic and Scribal Symposium (06-29-24)
Castle Fever (06-22-24)
Untitled Rapier Event (06-15-24)
Lilies War 2024 (06-07-24)
War Practice Weekend at The Roost II (06-07-24)
Kingdom Arts & Sciences Competition (06-01-24)
Great Western Regional FARE (05-30-24)
Schützenfest XIV (05-17-24)
Northshield Spring Crown Tournament (05-11-24)
Bardic Madness XXXI: Fabulous Fables (05-04-24)
Blades of Glory (04-27-24)
Provost Challenge (04-26-24)
Northshield Spring Coronation**DATE CHANGE** (04-20-24)
April Artisan Faire (04-13-24)
Spring Elevation Celebration (04-06-24)
THAT MOOT THINGY XXIV -The Compass Rose always points Home! (03-15-24)
Gulf Wars (03-09-24)
Hertzkrieg XXVII (03-02-24)
The Most Excellent Winter Archery Extravaganza and Clinic*** DATE CHANGE*** (02-24-24)
-- Select Event --
Officers' Week (02-17-25)
Hertzkrieg XXVIII (02-15-25)
Aedult Swim (02-14-25)
St. Valentine's Day Massacre & Tournament of Chivalry (02-08-25)
A February Frolicking of Fools (02-01-25)
Feast of Lupercalia (02-01-25)
A Midwinter's Day Feast (01-25-25)
Wacky Garb Ball: Blast from the Past (01-25-25)
Nordskogen Twelfth Night (01-18-25)
Winter Regional Melee Practice***CANCELLED *** (12-14-24)
Feast of the Boar's Head (12-07-24)
Toys for Tots Tournament (11-16-24)
SUN - Stellar University of Northshield (11-09-24)
40th Northshield Crown Tournament & 20th Kingdom Anniversary***DATE CHANGE BY STALLARI ** (10-19-24)
Chilies War (10-11-24)
Fall Brawl LIX (10-11-24)
Haustblot- A Norse Harvest Festival (09-27-24)
Missle Mayhem IV ***CANCELLED **** (09-21-24)
Hrothgar's Hall XIII (09-20-24)
Northshield Fall Coronation (09-13-24)
Pirate for a Day 5: We think; therefore we ARRRRR (09-07-24)
Feathers and Steel (09-06-24)
The Griffin Needle Challenge 2024 (09-06-24)
Known World Cooks and Bards (08-30-24)
Constantinople to Istanbul - A Gimli Event (08-30-24)
St. Radegund’s Rose Tournament (08-22-24)
Poor Man's Pennsic (08-16-24)
BYOM XX (Bring Your Own Marshal) Vilku Urvas XXV (08-15-24)
Pennsic War 51 (07-26-24)
Warriors and Warlords XXIX (07-11-24)
Midsummer's Eve XXI: Academy of Arts & Sciences (07-06-24)
Thatsa Mare - Gone to Plaid! (07-05-24)
Known World Dance and Music Symposium XIV (07-04-24)
Battlemoor (07-03-24)
Hero's Feast (06-29-24)
Known World Heraldic and Scribal Symposium (06-29-24)
Castle Fever (06-22-24)
Untitled Rapier Event (06-15-24)
Lilies War 2024 (06-07-24)
War Practice Weekend at The Roost II (06-07-24)
Kingdom Arts & Sciences Competition (06-01-24)
Great Western Regional FARE (05-30-24)
Schützenfest XIV (05-17-24)
Northshield Spring Crown Tournament (05-11-24)
Bardic Madness XXXI: Fabulous Fables (05-04-24)
Blades of Glory (04-27-24)
Provost Challenge (04-26-24)
Northshield Spring Coronation**DATE CHANGE** (04-20-24)
April Artisan Faire (04-13-24)
Spring Elevation Celebration (04-06-24)
THAT MOOT THINGY XXIV -The Compass Rose always points Home! (03-15-24)
Gulf Wars (03-09-24)
Hertzkrieg XXVII (03-02-24)
The Most Excellent Winter Archery Extravaganza and Clinic*** DATE CHANGE*** (02-24-24)
-- Select Event --
Officers' Week (02-17-25)
Hertzkrieg XXVIII (02-15-25)
Aedult Swim (02-14-25)
St. Valentine's Day Massacre & Tournament of Chivalry (02-08-25)
A February Frolicking of Fools (02-01-25)
Feast of Lupercalia (02-01-25)
A Midwinter's Day Feast (01-25-25)
Wacky Garb Ball: Blast from the Past (01-25-25)
Nordskogen Twelfth Night (01-18-25)
Winter Regional Melee Practice***CANCELLED *** (12-14-24)
Feast of the Boar's Head (12-07-24)
Toys for Tots Tournament (11-16-24)
SUN - Stellar University of Northshield (11-09-24)
40th Northshield Crown Tournament & 20th Kingdom Anniversary***DATE CHANGE BY STALLARI ** (10-19-24)
Chilies War (10-11-24)
Fall Brawl LIX (10-11-24)
Haustblot- A Norse Harvest Festival (09-27-24)
Missle Mayhem IV ***CANCELLED **** (09-21-24)
Hrothgar's Hall XIII (09-20-24)
Northshield Fall Coronation (09-13-24)
Pirate for a Day 5: We think; therefore we ARRRRR (09-07-24)
Feathers and Steel (09-06-24)
The Griffin Needle Challenge 2024 (09-06-24)
Known World Cooks and Bards (08-30-24)
Constantinople to Istanbul - A Gimli Event (08-30-24)
St. Radegund’s Rose Tournament (08-22-24)
Poor Man's Pennsic (08-16-24)
BYOM XX (Bring Your Own Marshal) Vilku Urvas XXV (08-15-24)
Pennsic War 51 (07-26-24)
Warriors and Warlords XXIX (07-11-24)
Midsummer's Eve XXI: Academy of Arts & Sciences (07-06-24)
Thatsa Mare - Gone to Plaid! (07-05-24)
Known World Dance and Music Symposium XIV (07-04-24)
Battlemoor (07-03-24)
Hero's Feast (06-29-24)
Known World Heraldic and Scribal Symposium (06-29-24)
Castle Fever (06-22-24)
Untitled Rapier Event (06-15-24)
Lilies War 2024 (06-07-24)
War Practice Weekend at The Roost II (06-07-24)
Kingdom Arts & Sciences Competition (06-01-24)
Great Western Regional FARE (05-30-24)
Schützenfest XIV (05-17-24)
Northshield Spring Crown Tournament (05-11-24)
Bardic Madness XXXI: Fabulous Fables (05-04-24)
Blades of Glory (04-27-24)
Provost Challenge (04-26-24)
Northshield Spring Coronation**DATE CHANGE** (04-20-24)
April Artisan Faire (04-13-24)
Spring Elevation Celebration (04-06-24)
THAT MOOT THINGY XXIV -The Compass Rose always points Home! (03-15-24)
Gulf Wars (03-09-24)
Hertzkrieg XXVII (03-02-24)
The Most Excellent Winter Archery Extravaganza and Clinic*** DATE CHANGE*** (02-24-24)
-- Select Event --
Officers' Week (02-17-25)
Hertzkrieg XXVIII (02-15-25)
Aedult Swim (02-14-25)
St. Valentine's Day Massacre & Tournament of Chivalry (02-08-25)
A February Frolicking of Fools (02-01-25)
Feast of Lupercalia (02-01-25)
A Midwinter's Day Feast (01-25-25)
Wacky Garb Ball: Blast from the Past (01-25-25)
Nordskogen Twelfth Night (01-18-25)
Winter Regional Melee Practice***CANCELLED *** (12-14-24)
Feast of the Boar's Head (12-07-24)
Toys for Tots Tournament (11-16-24)
SUN - Stellar University of Northshield (11-09-24)
40th Northshield Crown Tournament & 20th Kingdom Anniversary***DATE CHANGE BY STALLARI ** (10-19-24)
Chilies War (10-11-24)
Fall Brawl LIX (10-11-24)
Haustblot- A Norse Harvest Festival (09-27-24)
Missle Mayhem IV ***CANCELLED **** (09-21-24)
Hrothgar's Hall XIII (09-20-24)
Northshield Fall Coronation (09-13-24)
Pirate for a Day 5: We think; therefore we ARRRRR (09-07-24)
Feathers and Steel (09-06-24)
The Griffin Needle Challenge 2024 (09-06-24)
Known World Cooks and Bards (08-30-24)
Constantinople to Istanbul - A Gimli Event (08-30-24)
St. Radegund’s Rose Tournament (08-22-24)
Poor Man's Pennsic (08-16-24)
BYOM XX (Bring Your Own Marshal) Vilku Urvas XXV (08-15-24)
Pennsic War 51 (07-26-24)
Warriors and Warlords XXIX (07-11-24)
Midsummer's Eve XXI: Academy of Arts & Sciences (07-06-24)
Thatsa Mare - Gone to Plaid! (07-05-24)
Known World Dance and Music Symposium XIV (07-04-24)
Battlemoor (07-03-24)
Hero's Feast (06-29-24)
Known World Heraldic and Scribal Symposium (06-29-24)
Castle Fever (06-22-24)
Untitled Rapier Event (06-15-24)
Lilies War 2024 (06-07-24)
War Practice Weekend at The Roost II (06-07-24)
Kingdom Arts & Sciences Competition (06-01-24)
Great Western Regional FARE (05-30-24)
Schützenfest XIV (05-17-24)
Northshield Spring Crown Tournament (05-11-24)
Bardic Madness XXXI: Fabulous Fables (05-04-24)
Blades of Glory (04-27-24)
Provost Challenge (04-26-24)
Northshield Spring Coronation**DATE CHANGE** (04-20-24)
April Artisan Faire (04-13-24)
Spring Elevation Celebration (04-06-24)
THAT MOOT THINGY XXIV -The Compass Rose always points Home! (03-15-24)
Gulf Wars (03-09-24)
Hertzkrieg XXVII (03-02-24)
The Most Excellent Winter Archery Extravaganza and Clinic*** DATE CHANGE*** (02-24-24)
-- Select Event --
Officers' Week (02-17-25)
Hertzkrieg XXVIII (02-15-25)
Aedult Swim (02-14-25)
St. Valentine's Day Massacre & Tournament of Chivalry (02-08-25)
A February Frolicking of Fools (02-01-25)
Feast of Lupercalia (02-01-25)
A Midwinter's Day Feast (01-25-25)
Wacky Garb Ball: Blast from the Past (01-25-25)
Nordskogen Twelfth Night (01-18-25)
Winter Regional Melee Practice***CANCELLED *** (12-14-24)
Feast of the Boar's Head (12-07-24)
Toys for Tots Tournament (11-16-24)
SUN - Stellar University of Northshield (11-09-24)
40th Northshield Crown Tournament & 20th Kingdom Anniversary***DATE CHANGE BY STALLARI ** (10-19-24)
Chilies War (10-11-24)
Fall Brawl LIX (10-11-24)
Haustblot- A Norse Harvest Festival (09-27-24)
Missle Mayhem IV ***CANCELLED **** (09-21-24)
Hrothgar's Hall XIII (09-20-24)
Northshield Fall Coronation (09-13-24)
Pirate for a Day 5: We think; therefore we ARRRRR (09-07-24)
Feathers and Steel (09-06-24)
The Griffin Needle Challenge 2024 (09-06-24)
Known World Cooks and Bards (08-30-24)
Constantinople to Istanbul - A Gimli Event (08-30-24)
St. Radegund’s Rose Tournament (08-22-24)
Poor Man's Pennsic (08-16-24)
BYOM XX (Bring Your Own Marshal) Vilku Urvas XXV (08-15-24)
Pennsic War 51 (07-26-24)
Warriors and Warlords XXIX (07-11-24)
Midsummer's Eve XXI: Academy of Arts & Sciences (07-06-24)
Thatsa Mare - Gone to Plaid! (07-05-24)
Known World Dance and Music Symposium XIV (07-04-24)
Battlemoor (07-03-24)
Hero's Feast (06-29-24)
Known World Heraldic and Scribal Symposium (06-29-24)
Castle Fever (06-22-24)
Untitled Rapier Event (06-15-24)
Lilies War 2024 (06-07-24)
War Practice Weekend at The Roost II (06-07-24)
Kingdom Arts & Sciences Competition (06-01-24)
Great Western Regional FARE (05-30-24)
Schützenfest XIV (05-17-24)
Northshield Spring Crown Tournament (05-11-24)
Bardic Madness XXXI: Fabulous Fables (05-04-24)
Blades of Glory (04-27-24)
Provost Challenge (04-26-24)
Northshield Spring Coronation**DATE CHANGE** (04-20-24)
April Artisan Faire (04-13-24)
Spring Elevation Celebration (04-06-24)
THAT MOOT THINGY XXIV -The Compass Rose always points Home! (03-15-24)
Gulf Wars (03-09-24)
Hertzkrieg XXVII (03-02-24)
The Most Excellent Winter Archery Extravaganza and Clinic*** DATE CHANGE*** (02-24-24)
-- Select Event --
Officers' Week (02-17-25)
Hertzkrieg XXVIII (02-15-25)
Aedult Swim (02-14-25)
St. Valentine's Day Massacre & Tournament of Chivalry (02-08-25)
A February Frolicking of Fools (02-01-25)
Feast of Lupercalia (02-01-25)
A Midwinter's Day Feast (01-25-25)
Wacky Garb Ball: Blast from the Past (01-25-25)
Nordskogen Twelfth Night (01-18-25)
Winter Regional Melee Practice***CANCELLED *** (12-14-24)
Feast of the Boar's Head (12-07-24)
Toys for Tots Tournament (11-16-24)
SUN - Stellar University of Northshield (11-09-24)
40th Northshield Crown Tournament & 20th Kingdom Anniversary***DATE CHANGE BY STALLARI ** (10-19-24)
Chilies War (10-11-24)
Fall Brawl LIX (10-11-24)
Haustblot- A Norse Harvest Festival (09-27-24)
Missle Mayhem IV ***CANCELLED **** (09-21-24)
Hrothgar's Hall XIII (09-20-24)
Northshield Fall Coronation (09-13-24)
Pirate for a Day 5: We think; therefore we ARRRRR (09-07-24)
Feathers and Steel (09-06-24)
The Griffin Needle Challenge 2024 (09-06-24)
Known World Cooks and Bards (08-30-24)
Constantinople to Istanbul - A Gimli Event (08-30-24)
St. Radegund’s Rose Tournament (08-22-24)
Poor Man's Pennsic (08-16-24)
BYOM XX (Bring Your Own Marshal) Vilku Urvas XXV (08-15-24)
Pennsic War 51 (07-26-24)
Warriors and Warlords XXIX (07-11-24)
Midsummer's Eve XXI: Academy of Arts & Sciences (07-06-24)
Thatsa Mare - Gone to Plaid! (07-05-24)
Known World Dance and Music Symposium XIV (07-04-24)
Battlemoor (07-03-24)
Hero's Feast (06-29-24)
Known World Heraldic and Scribal Symposium (06-29-24)
Castle Fever (06-22-24)
Untitled Rapier Event (06-15-24)
Lilies War 2024 (06-07-24)
War Practice Weekend at The Roost II (06-07-24)
Kingdom Arts & Sciences Competition (06-01-24)
Great Western Regional FARE (05-30-24)
Schützenfest XIV (05-17-24)
Northshield Spring Crown Tournament (05-11-24)
Bardic Madness XXXI: Fabulous Fables (05-04-24)
Blades of Glory (04-27-24)
Provost Challenge (04-26-24)
Northshield Spring Coronation**DATE CHANGE** (04-20-24)
April Artisan Faire (04-13-24)
Spring Elevation Celebration (04-06-24)
THAT MOOT THINGY XXIV -The Compass Rose always points Home! (03-15-24)
Gulf Wars (03-09-24)
Hertzkrieg XXVII (03-02-24)
The Most Excellent Winter Archery Extravaganza and Clinic*** DATE CHANGE*** (02-24-24)
-- Select Event --
Officers' Week (02-17-25)
Hertzkrieg XXVIII (02-15-25)
Aedult Swim (02-14-25)
St. Valentine's Day Massacre & Tournament of Chivalry (02-08-25)
A February Frolicking of Fools (02-01-25)
Feast of Lupercalia (02-01-25)
A Midwinter's Day Feast (01-25-25)
Wacky Garb Ball: Blast from the Past (01-25-25)
Nordskogen Twelfth Night (01-18-25)
Winter Regional Melee Practice***CANCELLED *** (12-14-24)
Feast of the Boar's Head (12-07-24)
Toys for Tots Tournament (11-16-24)
SUN - Stellar University of Northshield (11-09-24)
40th Northshield Crown Tournament & 20th Kingdom Anniversary***DATE CHANGE BY STALLARI ** (10-19-24)
Chilies War (10-11-24)
Fall Brawl LIX (10-11-24)
Haustblot- A Norse Harvest Festival (09-27-24)
Missle Mayhem IV ***CANCELLED **** (09-21-24)
Hrothgar's Hall XIII (09-20-24)
Northshield Fall Coronation (09-13-24)
Pirate for a Day 5: We think; therefore we ARRRRR (09-07-24)
Feathers and Steel (09-06-24)
The Griffin Needle Challenge 2024 (09-06-24)
Known World Cooks and Bards (08-30-24)
Constantinople to Istanbul - A Gimli Event (08-30-24)
St. Radegund’s Rose Tournament (08-22-24)
Poor Man's Pennsic (08-16-24)
BYOM XX (Bring Your Own Marshal) Vilku Urvas XXV (08-15-24)
Pennsic War 51 (07-26-24)
Warriors and Warlords XXIX (07-11-24)
Midsummer's Eve XXI: Academy of Arts & Sciences (07-06-24)
Thatsa Mare - Gone to Plaid! (07-05-24)
Known World Dance and Music Symposium XIV (07-04-24)
Battlemoor (07-03-24)
Hero's Feast (06-29-24)
Known World Heraldic and Scribal Symposium (06-29-24)
Castle Fever (06-22-24)
Untitled Rapier Event (06-15-24)
Lilies War 2024 (06-07-24)
War Practice Weekend at The Roost II (06-07-24)
Kingdom Arts & Sciences Competition (06-01-24)
Great Western Regional FARE (05-30-24)
Schützenfest XIV (05-17-24)
Northshield Spring Crown Tournament (05-11-24)
Bardic Madness XXXI: Fabulous Fables (05-04-24)
Blades of Glory (04-27-24)
Provost Challenge (04-26-24)
Northshield Spring Coronation**DATE CHANGE** (04-20-24)
April Artisan Faire (04-13-24)
Spring Elevation Celebration (04-06-24)
THAT MOOT THINGY XXIV -The Compass Rose always points Home! (03-15-24)
Gulf Wars (03-09-24)
Hertzkrieg XXVII (03-02-24)
The Most Excellent Winter Archery Extravaganza and Clinic*** DATE CHANGE*** (02-24-24)
-- Select Event --
Officers' Week (02-17-25)
Hertzkrieg XXVIII (02-15-25)
Aedult Swim (02-14-25)
St. Valentine's Day Massacre & Tournament of Chivalry (02-08-25)
A February Frolicking of Fools (02-01-25)
Feast of Lupercalia (02-01-25)
A Midwinter's Day Feast (01-25-25)
Wacky Garb Ball: Blast from the Past (01-25-25)
Nordskogen Twelfth Night (01-18-25)
Winter Regional Melee Practice***CANCELLED *** (12-14-24)
Feast of the Boar's Head (12-07-24)
Toys for Tots Tournament (11-16-24)
SUN - Stellar University of Northshield (11-09-24)
40th Northshield Crown Tournament & 20th Kingdom Anniversary***DATE CHANGE BY STALLARI ** (10-19-24)
Chilies War (10-11-24)
Fall Brawl LIX (10-11-24)
Haustblot- A Norse Harvest Festival (09-27-24)
Missle Mayhem IV ***CANCELLED **** (09-21-24)
Hrothgar's Hall XIII (09-20-24)
Northshield Fall Coronation (09-13-24)
Pirate for a Day 5: We think; therefore we ARRRRR (09-07-24)
Feathers and Steel (09-06-24)
The Griffin Needle Challenge 2024 (09-06-24)
Known World Cooks and Bards (08-30-24)
Constantinople to Istanbul - A Gimli Event (08-30-24)
St. Radegund’s Rose Tournament (08-22-24)
Poor Man's Pennsic (08-16-24)
BYOM XX (Bring Your Own Marshal) Vilku Urvas XXV (08-15-24)
Pennsic War 51 (07-26-24)
Warriors and Warlords XXIX (07-11-24)
Midsummer's Eve XXI: Academy of Arts & Sciences (07-06-24)
Thatsa Mare - Gone to Plaid! (07-05-24)
Known World Dance and Music Symposium XIV (07-04-24)
Battlemoor (07-03-24)
Hero's Feast (06-29-24)
Known World Heraldic and Scribal Symposium (06-29-24)
Castle Fever (06-22-24)
Untitled Rapier Event (06-15-24)
Lilies War 2024 (06-07-24)
War Practice Weekend at The Roost II (06-07-24)
Kingdom Arts & Sciences Competition (06-01-24)
Great Western Regional FARE (05-30-24)
Schützenfest XIV (05-17-24)
Northshield Spring Crown Tournament (05-11-24)
Bardic Madness XXXI: Fabulous Fables (05-04-24)
Blades of Glory (04-27-24)
Provost Challenge (04-26-24)
Northshield Spring Coronation**DATE CHANGE** (04-20-24)
April Artisan Faire (04-13-24)
Spring Elevation Celebration (04-06-24)
THAT MOOT THINGY XXIV -The Compass Rose always points Home! (03-15-24)
Gulf Wars (03-09-24)
Hertzkrieg XXVII (03-02-24)
The Most Excellent Winter Archery Extravaganza and Clinic*** DATE CHANGE*** (02-24-24)
-- Select Event --
Officers' Week (02-17-25)
Hertzkrieg XXVIII (02-15-25)
Aedult Swim (02-14-25)
St. Valentine's Day Massacre & Tournament of Chivalry (02-08-25)
A February Frolicking of Fools (02-01-25)
Feast of Lupercalia (02-01-25)
A Midwinter's Day Feast (01-25-25)
Wacky Garb Ball: Blast from the Past (01-25-25)
Nordskogen Twelfth Night (01-18-25)
Winter Regional Melee Practice***CANCELLED *** (12-14-24)
Feast of the Boar's Head (12-07-24)
Toys for Tots Tournament (11-16-24)
SUN - Stellar University of Northshield (11-09-24)
40th Northshield Crown Tournament & 20th Kingdom Anniversary***DATE CHANGE BY STALLARI ** (10-19-24)
Chilies War (10-11-24)
Fall Brawl LIX (10-11-24)
Haustblot- A Norse Harvest Festival (09-27-24)
Missle Mayhem IV ***CANCELLED **** (09-21-24)
Hrothgar's Hall XIII (09-20-24)
Northshield Fall Coronation (09-13-24)
Pirate for a Day 5: We think; therefore we ARRRRR (09-07-24)
Feathers and Steel (09-06-24)
The Griffin Needle Challenge 2024 (09-06-24)
Known World Cooks and Bards (08-30-24)
Constantinople to Istanbul - A Gimli Event (08-30-24)
St. Radegund’s Rose Tournament (08-22-24)
Poor Man's Pennsic (08-16-24)
BYOM XX (Bring Your Own Marshal) Vilku Urvas XXV (08-15-24)
Pennsic War 51 (07-26-24)
Warriors and Warlords XXIX (07-11-24)
Midsummer's Eve XXI: Academy of Arts & Sciences (07-06-24)
Thatsa Mare - Gone to Plaid! (07-05-24)
Known World Dance and Music Symposium XIV (07-04-24)
Battlemoor (07-03-24)
Hero's Feast (06-29-24)
Known World Heraldic and Scribal Symposium (06-29-24)
Castle Fever (06-22-24)
Untitled Rapier Event (06-15-24)
Lilies War 2024 (06-07-24)
War Practice Weekend at The Roost II (06-07-24)
Kingdom Arts & Sciences Competition (06-01-24)
Great Western Regional FARE (05-30-24)
Schützenfest XIV (05-17-24)
Northshield Spring Crown Tournament (05-11-24)
Bardic Madness XXXI: Fabulous Fables (05-04-24)
Blades of Glory (04-27-24)
Provost Challenge (04-26-24)
Northshield Spring Coronation**DATE CHANGE** (04-20-24)
April Artisan Faire (04-13-24)
Spring Elevation Celebration (04-06-24)
THAT MOOT THINGY XXIV -The Compass Rose always points Home! (03-15-24)
Gulf Wars (03-09-24)
Hertzkrieg XXVII (03-02-24)
The Most Excellent Winter Archery Extravaganza and Clinic*** DATE CHANGE*** (02-24-24)
-- Select Event --
Officers' Week (02-17-25)
Hertzkrieg XXVIII (02-15-25)
Aedult Swim (02-14-25)
St. Valentine's Day Massacre & Tournament of Chivalry (02-08-25)
A February Frolicking of Fools (02-01-25)
Feast of Lupercalia (02-01-25)
A Midwinter's Day Feast (01-25-25)
Wacky Garb Ball: Blast from the Past (01-25-25)
Nordskogen Twelfth Night (01-18-25)
Winter Regional Melee Practice***CANCELLED *** (12-14-24)
Feast of the Boar's Head (12-07-24)
Toys for Tots Tournament (11-16-24)
SUN - Stellar University of Northshield (11-09-24)
40th Northshield Crown Tournament & 20th Kingdom Anniversary***DATE CHANGE BY STALLARI ** (10-19-24)
Chilies War (10-11-24)
Fall Brawl LIX (10-11-24)
Haustblot- A Norse Harvest Festival (09-27-24)
Missle Mayhem IV ***CANCELLED **** (09-21-24)
Hrothgar's Hall XIII (09-20-24)
Northshield Fall Coronation (09-13-24)
Pirate for a Day 5: We think; therefore we ARRRRR (09-07-24)
Feathers and Steel (09-06-24)
The Griffin Needle Challenge 2024 (09-06-24)
Known World Cooks and Bards (08-30-24)
Constantinople to Istanbul - A Gimli Event (08-30-24)
St. Radegund’s Rose Tournament (08-22-24)
Poor Man's Pennsic (08-16-24)
BYOM XX (Bring Your Own Marshal) Vilku Urvas XXV (08-15-24)
Pennsic War 51 (07-26-24)
Warriors and Warlords XXIX (07-11-24)
Midsummer's Eve XXI: Academy of Arts & Sciences (07-06-24)
Thatsa Mare - Gone to Plaid! (07-05-24)
Known World Dance and Music Symposium XIV (07-04-24)
Battlemoor (07-03-24)
Hero's Feast (06-29-24)
Known World Heraldic and Scribal Symposium (06-29-24)
Castle Fever (06-22-24)
Untitled Rapier Event (06-15-24)
Lilies War 2024 (06-07-24)
War Practice Weekend at The Roost II (06-07-24)
Kingdom Arts & Sciences Competition (06-01-24)
Great Western Regional FARE (05-30-24)
Schützenfest XIV (05-17-24)
Northshield Spring Crown Tournament (05-11-24)
Bardic Madness XXXI: Fabulous Fables (05-04-24)
Blades of Glory (04-27-24)
Provost Challenge (04-26-24)
Northshield Spring Coronation**DATE CHANGE** (04-20-24)
April Artisan Faire (04-13-24)
Spring Elevation Celebration (04-06-24)
THAT MOOT THINGY XXIV -The Compass Rose always points Home! (03-15-24)
Gulf Wars (03-09-24)
Hertzkrieg XXVII (03-02-24)
The Most Excellent Winter Archery Extravaganza and Clinic*** DATE CHANGE*** (02-24-24)
-- Select Event --
Officers' Week (02-17-25)
Hertzkrieg XXVIII (02-15-25)
Aedult Swim (02-14-25)
St. Valentine's Day Massacre & Tournament of Chivalry (02-08-25)
A February Frolicking of Fools (02-01-25)
Feast of Lupercalia (02-01-25)
A Midwinter's Day Feast (01-25-25)
Wacky Garb Ball: Blast from the Past (01-25-25)
Nordskogen Twelfth Night (01-18-25)
Winter Regional Melee Practice***CANCELLED *** (12-14-24)
Feast of the Boar's Head (12-07-24)
Toys for Tots Tournament (11-16-24)
SUN - Stellar University of Northshield (11-09-24)
40th Northshield Crown Tournament & 20th Kingdom Anniversary***DATE CHANGE BY STALLARI ** (10-19-24)
Chilies War (10-11-24)
Fall Brawl LIX (10-11-24)
Haustblot- A Norse Harvest Festival (09-27-24)
Missle Mayhem IV ***CANCELLED **** (09-21-24)
Hrothgar's Hall XIII (09-20-24)
Northshield Fall Coronation (09-13-24)
Pirate for a Day 5: We think; therefore we ARRRRR (09-07-24)
Feathers and Steel (09-06-24)
The Griffin Needle Challenge 2024 (09-06-24)
Known World Cooks and Bards (08-30-24)
Constantinople to Istanbul - A Gimli Event (08-30-24)
St. Radegund’s Rose Tournament (08-22-24)
Poor Man's Pennsic (08-16-24)
BYOM XX (Bring Your Own Marshal) Vilku Urvas XXV (08-15-24)
Pennsic War 51 (07-26-24)
Warriors and Warlords XXIX (07-11-24)
Midsummer's Eve XXI: Academy of Arts & Sciences (07-06-24)
Thatsa Mare - Gone to Plaid! (07-05-24)
Known World Dance and Music Symposium XIV (07-04-24)
Battlemoor (07-03-24)
Hero's Feast (06-29-24)
Known World Heraldic and Scribal Symposium (06-29-24)
Castle Fever (06-22-24)
Untitled Rapier Event (06-15-24)
Lilies War 2024 (06-07-24)
War Practice Weekend at The Roost II (06-07-24)
Kingdom Arts & Sciences Competition (06-01-24)
Great Western Regional FARE (05-30-24)
Schützenfest XIV (05-17-24)
Northshield Spring Crown Tournament (05-11-24)
Bardic Madness XXXI: Fabulous Fables (05-04-24)
Blades of Glory (04-27-24)
Provost Challenge (04-26-24)
Northshield Spring Coronation**DATE CHANGE** (04-20-24)
April Artisan Faire (04-13-24)
Spring Elevation Celebration (04-06-24)
THAT MOOT THINGY XXIV -The Compass Rose always points Home! (03-15-24)
Gulf Wars (03-09-24)
Hertzkrieg XXVII (03-02-24)
The Most Excellent Winter Archery Extravaganza and Clinic*** DATE CHANGE*** (02-24-24)
-- Select Event --
Officers' Week (02-17-25)
Hertzkrieg XXVIII (02-15-25)
Aedult Swim (02-14-25)
St. Valentine's Day Massacre & Tournament of Chivalry (02-08-25)
A February Frolicking of Fools (02-01-25)
Feast of Lupercalia (02-01-25)
A Midwinter's Day Feast (01-25-25)
Wacky Garb Ball: Blast from the Past (01-25-25)
Nordskogen Twelfth Night (01-18-25)
Winter Regional Melee Practice***CANCELLED *** (12-14-24)
Feast of the Boar's Head (12-07-24)
Toys for Tots Tournament (11-16-24)
SUN - Stellar University of Northshield (11-09-24)
40th Northshield Crown Tournament & 20th Kingdom Anniversary***DATE CHANGE BY STALLARI ** (10-19-24)
Chilies War (10-11-24)
Fall Brawl LIX (10-11-24)
Haustblot- A Norse Harvest Festival (09-27-24)
Missle Mayhem IV ***CANCELLED **** (09-21-24)
Hrothgar's Hall XIII (09-20-24)
Northshield Fall Coronation (09-13-24)
Pirate for a Day 5: We think; therefore we ARRRRR (09-07-24)
Feathers and Steel (09-06-24)
The Griffin Needle Challenge 2024 (09-06-24)
Known World Cooks and Bards (08-30-24)
Constantinople to Istanbul - A Gimli Event (08-30-24)
St. Radegund’s Rose Tournament (08-22-24)
Poor Man's Pennsic (08-16-24)
BYOM XX (Bring Your Own Marshal) Vilku Urvas XXV (08-15-24)
Pennsic War 51 (07-26-24)
Warriors and Warlords XXIX (07-11-24)
Midsummer's Eve XXI: Academy of Arts & Sciences (07-06-24)
Thatsa Mare - Gone to Plaid! (07-05-24)
Known World Dance and Music Symposium XIV (07-04-24)
Battlemoor (07-03-24)
Hero's Feast (06-29-24)
Known World Heraldic and Scribal Symposium (06-29-24)
Castle Fever (06-22-24)
Untitled Rapier Event (06-15-24)
Lilies War 2024 (06-07-24)
War Practice Weekend at The Roost II (06-07-24)
Kingdom Arts & Sciences Competition (06-01-24)
Great Western Regional FARE (05-30-24)
Schützenfest XIV (05-17-24)
Northshield Spring Crown Tournament (05-11-24)
Bardic Madness XXXI: Fabulous Fables (05-04-24)
Blades of Glory (04-27-24)
Provost Challenge (04-26-24)
Northshield Spring Coronation**DATE CHANGE** (04-20-24)
April Artisan Faire (04-13-24)
Spring Elevation Celebration (04-06-24)
THAT MOOT THINGY XXIV -The Compass Rose always points Home! (03-15-24)
Gulf Wars (03-09-24)
Hertzkrieg XXVII (03-02-24)
The Most Excellent Winter Archery Extravaganza and Clinic*** DATE CHANGE*** (02-24-24)
-- Select Event --
Officers' Week (02-17-25)
Hertzkrieg XXVIII (02-15-25)
Aedult Swim (02-14-25)
St. Valentine's Day Massacre & Tournament of Chivalry (02-08-25)
A February Frolicking of Fools (02-01-25)
Feast of Lupercalia (02-01-25)
A Midwinter's Day Feast (01-25-25)
Wacky Garb Ball: Blast from the Past (01-25-25)
Nordskogen Twelfth Night (01-18-25)
Winter Regional Melee Practice***CANCELLED *** (12-14-24)
Feast of the Boar's Head (12-07-24)
Toys for Tots Tournament (11-16-24)
SUN - Stellar University of Northshield (11-09-24)
40th Northshield Crown Tournament & 20th Kingdom Anniversary***DATE CHANGE BY STALLARI ** (10-19-24)
Chilies War (10-11-24)
Fall Brawl LIX (10-11-24)
Haustblot- A Norse Harvest Festival (09-27-24)
Missle Mayhem IV ***CANCELLED **** (09-21-24)
Hrothgar's Hall XIII (09-20-24)
Northshield Fall Coronation (09-13-24)
Pirate for a Day 5: We think; therefore we ARRRRR (09-07-24)
Feathers and Steel (09-06-24)
The Griffin Needle Challenge 2024 (09-06-24)
Known World Cooks and Bards (08-30-24)
Constantinople to Istanbul - A Gimli Event (08-30-24)
St. Radegund’s Rose Tournament (08-22-24)
Poor Man's Pennsic (08-16-24)
BYOM XX (Bring Your Own Marshal) Vilku Urvas XXV (08-15-24)
Pennsic War 51 (07-26-24)
Warriors and Warlords XXIX (07-11-24)
Midsummer's Eve XXI: Academy of Arts & Sciences (07-06-24)
Thatsa Mare - Gone to Plaid! (07-05-24)
Known World Dance and Music Symposium XIV (07-04-24)
Battlemoor (07-03-24)
Hero's Feast (06-29-24)
Known World Heraldic and Scribal Symposium (06-29-24)
Castle Fever (06-22-24)
Untitled Rapier Event (06-15-24)
Lilies War 2024 (06-07-24)
War Practice Weekend at The Roost II (06-07-24)
Kingdom Arts & Sciences Competition (06-01-24)
Great Western Regional FARE (05-30-24)
Schützenfest XIV (05-17-24)
Northshield Spring Crown Tournament (05-11-24)
Bardic Madness XXXI: Fabulous Fables (05-04-24)
Blades of Glory (04-27-24)
Provost Challenge (04-26-24)
Northshield Spring Coronation**DATE CHANGE** (04-20-24)
April Artisan Faire (04-13-24)
Spring Elevation Celebration (04-06-24)
THAT MOOT THINGY XXIV -The Compass Rose always points Home! (03-15-24)
Gulf Wars (03-09-24)
Hertzkrieg XXVII (03-02-24)
The Most Excellent Winter Archery Extravaganza and Clinic*** DATE CHANGE*** (02-24-24)
-- Select Event --
Officers' Week (02-17-25)
Hertzkrieg XXVIII (02-15-25)
Aedult Swim (02-14-25)
St. Valentine's Day Massacre & Tournament of Chivalry (02-08-25)
A February Frolicking of Fools (02-01-25)
Feast of Lupercalia (02-01-25)
A Midwinter's Day Feast (01-25-25)
Wacky Garb Ball: Blast from the Past (01-25-25)
Nordskogen Twelfth Night (01-18-25)
Winter Regional Melee Practice***CANCELLED *** (12-14-24)
Feast of the Boar's Head (12-07-24)
Toys for Tots Tournament (11-16-24)
SUN - Stellar University of Northshield (11-09-24)
40th Northshield Crown Tournament & 20th Kingdom Anniversary***DATE CHANGE BY STALLARI ** (10-19-24)
Chilies War (10-11-24)
Fall Brawl LIX (10-11-24)
Haustblot- A Norse Harvest Festival (09-27-24)
Missle Mayhem IV ***CANCELLED **** (09-21-24)
Hrothgar's Hall XIII (09-20-24)
Northshield Fall Coronation (09-13-24)
Pirate for a Day 5: We think; therefore we ARRRRR (09-07-24)
Feathers and Steel (09-06-24)
The Griffin Needle Challenge 2024 (09-06-24)
Known World Cooks and Bards (08-30-24)
Constantinople to Istanbul - A Gimli Event (08-30-24)
St. Radegund’s Rose Tournament (08-22-24)
Poor Man's Pennsic (08-16-24)
BYOM XX (Bring Your Own Marshal) Vilku Urvas XXV (08-15-24)
Pennsic War 51 (07-26-24)
Warriors and Warlords XXIX (07-11-24)
Midsummer's Eve XXI: Academy of Arts & Sciences (07-06-24)
Thatsa Mare - Gone to Plaid! (07-05-24)
Known World Dance and Music Symposium XIV (07-04-24)
Battlemoor (07-03-24)
Hero's Feast (06-29-24)
Known World Heraldic and Scribal Symposium (06-29-24)
Castle Fever (06-22-24)
Untitled Rapier Event (06-15-24)
Lilies War 2024 (06-07-24)
War Practice Weekend at The Roost II (06-07-24)
Kingdom Arts & Sciences Competition (06-01-24)
Great Western Regional FARE (05-30-24)
Schützenfest XIV (05-17-24)
Northshield Spring Crown Tournament (05-11-24)
Bardic Madness XXXI: Fabulous Fables (05-04-24)
Blades of Glory (04-27-24)
Provost Challenge (04-26-24)
Northshield Spring Coronation**DATE CHANGE** (04-20-24)
April Artisan Faire (04-13-24)
Spring Elevation Celebration (04-06-24)
THAT MOOT THINGY XXIV -The Compass Rose always points Home! (03-15-24)
Gulf Wars (03-09-24)
Hertzkrieg XXVII (03-02-24)
The Most Excellent Winter Archery Extravaganza and Clinic*** DATE CHANGE*** (02-24-24)
-- Select Event --
Officers' Week (02-17-25)
Hertzkrieg XXVIII (02-15-25)
Aedult Swim (02-14-25)
St. Valentine's Day Massacre & Tournament of Chivalry (02-08-25)
A February Frolicking of Fools (02-01-25)
Feast of Lupercalia (02-01-25)
A Midwinter's Day Feast (01-25-25)
Wacky Garb Ball: Blast from the Past (01-25-25)
Nordskogen Twelfth Night (01-18-25)
Winter Regional Melee Practice***CANCELLED *** (12-14-24)
Feast of the Boar's Head (12-07-24)
Toys for Tots Tournament (11-16-24)
SUN - Stellar University of Northshield (11-09-24)
40th Northshield Crown Tournament & 20th Kingdom Anniversary***DATE CHANGE BY STALLARI ** (10-19-24)
Chilies War (10-11-24)
Fall Brawl LIX (10-11-24)
Haustblot- A Norse Harvest Festival (09-27-24)
Missle Mayhem IV ***CANCELLED **** (09-21-24)
Hrothgar's Hall XIII (09-20-24)
Northshield Fall Coronation (09-13-24)
Pirate for a Day 5: We think; therefore we ARRRRR (09-07-24)
Feathers and Steel (09-06-24)
The Griffin Needle Challenge 2024 (09-06-24)
Known World Cooks and Bards (08-30-24)
Constantinople to Istanbul - A Gimli Event (08-30-24)
St. Radegund’s Rose Tournament (08-22-24)
Poor Man's Pennsic (08-16-24)
BYOM XX (Bring Your Own Marshal) Vilku Urvas XXV (08-15-24)
Pennsic War 51 (07-26-24)
Warriors and Warlords XXIX (07-11-24)
Midsummer's Eve XXI: Academy of Arts & Sciences (07-06-24)
Thatsa Mare - Gone to Plaid! (07-05-24)
Known World Dance and Music Symposium XIV (07-04-24)
Battlemoor (07-03-24)
Hero's Feast (06-29-24)
Known World Heraldic and Scribal Symposium (06-29-24)
Castle Fever (06-22-24)
Untitled Rapier Event (06-15-24)
Lilies War 2024 (06-07-24)
War Practice Weekend at The Roost II (06-07-24)
Kingdom Arts & Sciences Competition (06-01-24)
Great Western Regional FARE (05-30-24)
Schützenfest XIV (05-17-24)
Northshield Spring Crown Tournament (05-11-24)
Bardic Madness XXXI: Fabulous Fables (05-04-24)
Blades of Glory (04-27-24)
Provost Challenge (04-26-24)
Northshield Spring Coronation**DATE CHANGE** (04-20-24)
April Artisan Faire (04-13-24)
Spring Elevation Celebration (04-06-24)
THAT MOOT THINGY XXIV -The Compass Rose always points Home! (03-15-24)
Gulf Wars (03-09-24)
Hertzkrieg XXVII (03-02-24)
The Most Excellent Winter Archery Extravaganza and Clinic*** DATE CHANGE*** (02-24-24)
-- Select Event --
Officers' Week (02-17-25)
Hertzkrieg XXVIII (02-15-25)
Aedult Swim (02-14-25)
St. Valentine's Day Massacre & Tournament of Chivalry (02-08-25)
A February Frolicking of Fools (02-01-25)
Feast of Lupercalia (02-01-25)
A Midwinter's Day Feast (01-25-25)
Wacky Garb Ball: Blast from the Past (01-25-25)
Nordskogen Twelfth Night (01-18-25)
Winter Regional Melee Practice***CANCELLED *** (12-14-24)
Feast of the Boar's Head (12-07-24)
Toys for Tots Tournament (11-16-24)
SUN - Stellar University of Northshield (11-09-24)
40th Northshield Crown Tournament & 20th Kingdom Anniversary***DATE CHANGE BY STALLARI ** (10-19-24)
Chilies War (10-11-24)
Fall Brawl LIX (10-11-24)
Haustblot- A Norse Harvest Festival (09-27-24)
Missle Mayhem IV ***CANCELLED **** (09-21-24)
Hrothgar's Hall XIII (09-20-24)
Northshield Fall Coronation (09-13-24)
Pirate for a Day 5: We think; therefore we ARRRRR (09-07-24)
Feathers and Steel (09-06-24)
The Griffin Needle Challenge 2024 (09-06-24)
Known World Cooks and Bards (08-30-24)
Constantinople to Istanbul - A Gimli Event (08-30-24)
St. Radegund’s Rose Tournament (08-22-24)
Poor Man's Pennsic (08-16-24)
BYOM XX (Bring Your Own Marshal) Vilku Urvas XXV (08-15-24)
Pennsic War 51 (07-26-24)
Warriors and Warlords XXIX (07-11-24)
Midsummer's Eve XXI: Academy of Arts & Sciences (07-06-24)
Thatsa Mare - Gone to Plaid! (07-05-24)
Known World Dance and Music Symposium XIV (07-04-24)
Battlemoor (07-03-24)
Hero's Feast (06-29-24)
Known World Heraldic and Scribal Symposium (06-29-24)
Castle Fever (06-22-24)
Untitled Rapier Event (06-15-24)
Lilies War 2024 (06-07-24)
War Practice Weekend at The Roost II (06-07-24)
Kingdom Arts & Sciences Competition (06-01-24)
Great Western Regional FARE (05-30-24)
Schützenfest XIV (05-17-24)
Northshield Spring Crown Tournament (05-11-24)
Bardic Madness XXXI: Fabulous Fables (05-04-24)
Blades of Glory (04-27-24)
Provost Challenge (04-26-24)
Northshield Spring Coronation**DATE CHANGE** (04-20-24)
April Artisan Faire (04-13-24)
Spring Elevation Celebration (04-06-24)
THAT MOOT THINGY XXIV -The Compass Rose always points Home! (03-15-24)
Gulf Wars (03-09-24)
Hertzkrieg XXVII (03-02-24)
The Most Excellent Winter Archery Extravaganza and Clinic*** DATE CHANGE*** (02-24-24)
-- Select Event --
Officers' Week (02-17-25)
Hertzkrieg XXVIII (02-15-25)
Aedult Swim (02-14-25)
St. Valentine's Day Massacre & Tournament of Chivalry (02-08-25)
A February Frolicking of Fools (02-01-25)
Feast of Lupercalia (02-01-25)
A Midwinter's Day Feast (01-25-25)
Wacky Garb Ball: Blast from the Past (01-25-25)
Nordskogen Twelfth Night (01-18-25)
Winter Regional Melee Practice***CANCELLED *** (12-14-24)
Feast of the Boar's Head (12-07-24)
Toys for Tots Tournament (11-16-24)
SUN - Stellar University of Northshield (11-09-24)
40th Northshield Crown Tournament & 20th Kingdom Anniversary***DATE CHANGE BY STALLARI ** (10-19-24)
Chilies War (10-11-24)
Fall Brawl LIX (10-11-24)
Haustblot- A Norse Harvest Festival (09-27-24)
Missle Mayhem IV ***CANCELLED **** (09-21-24)
Hrothgar's Hall XIII (09-20-24)
Northshield Fall Coronation (09-13-24)
Pirate for a Day 5: We think; therefore we ARRRRR (09-07-24)
Feathers and Steel (09-06-24)
The Griffin Needle Challenge 2024 (09-06-24)
Known World Cooks and Bards (08-30-24)
Constantinople to Istanbul - A Gimli Event (08-30-24)
St. Radegund’s Rose Tournament (08-22-24)
Poor Man's Pennsic (08-16-24)
BYOM XX (Bring Your Own Marshal) Vilku Urvas XXV (08-15-24)
Pennsic War 51 (07-26-24)
Warriors and Warlords XXIX (07-11-24)
Midsummer's Eve XXI: Academy of Arts & Sciences (07-06-24)
Thatsa Mare - Gone to Plaid! (07-05-24)
Known World Dance and Music Symposium XIV (07-04-24)
Battlemoor (07-03-24)
Hero's Feast (06-29-24)
Known World Heraldic and Scribal Symposium (06-29-24)
Castle Fever (06-22-24)
Untitled Rapier Event (06-15-24)
Lilies War 2024 (06-07-24)
War Practice Weekend at The Roost II (06-07-24)
Kingdom Arts & Sciences Competition (06-01-24)
Great Western Regional FARE (05-30-24)
Schützenfest XIV (05-17-24)
Northshield Spring Crown Tournament (05-11-24)
Bardic Madness XXXI: Fabulous Fables (05-04-24)
Blades of Glory (04-27-24)
Provost Challenge (04-26-24)
Northshield Spring Coronation**DATE CHANGE** (04-20-24)
April Artisan Faire (04-13-24)
Spring Elevation Celebration (04-06-24)
THAT MOOT THINGY XXIV -The Compass Rose always points Home! (03-15-24)
Gulf Wars (03-09-24)
Hertzkrieg XXVII (03-02-24)
The Most Excellent Winter Archery Extravaganza and Clinic*** DATE CHANGE*** (02-24-24)
-- Select Event --
Officers' Week (02-17-25)
Hertzkrieg XXVIII (02-15-25)
Aedult Swim (02-14-25)
St. Valentine's Day Massacre & Tournament of Chivalry (02-08-25)
A February Frolicking of Fools (02-01-25)
Feast of Lupercalia (02-01-25)
A Midwinter's Day Feast (01-25-25)
Wacky Garb Ball: Blast from the Past (01-25-25)
Nordskogen Twelfth Night (01-18-25)
Winter Regional Melee Practice***CANCELLED *** (12-14-24)
Feast of the Boar's Head (12-07-24)
Toys for Tots Tournament (11-16-24)
SUN - Stellar University of Northshield (11-09-24)
40th Northshield Crown Tournament & 20th Kingdom Anniversary***DATE CHANGE BY STALLARI ** (10-19-24)
Chilies War (10-11-24)
Fall Brawl LIX (10-11-24)
Haustblot- A Norse Harvest Festival (09-27-24)
Missle Mayhem IV ***CANCELLED **** (09-21-24)
Hrothgar's Hall XIII (09-20-24)
Northshield Fall Coronation (09-13-24)
Pirate for a Day 5: We think; therefore we ARRRRR (09-07-24)
Feathers and Steel (09-06-24)
The Griffin Needle Challenge 2024 (09-06-24)
Known World Cooks and Bards (08-30-24)
Constantinople to Istanbul - A Gimli Event (08-30-24)
St. Radegund’s Rose Tournament (08-22-24)
Poor Man's Pennsic (08-16-24)
BYOM XX (Bring Your Own Marshal) Vilku Urvas XXV (08-15-24)
Pennsic War 51 (07-26-24)
Warriors and Warlords XXIX (07-11-24)
Midsummer's Eve XXI: Academy of Arts & Sciences (07-06-24)
Thatsa Mare - Gone to Plaid! (07-05-24)
Known World Dance and Music Symposium XIV (07-04-24)
Battlemoor (07-03-24)
Hero's Feast (06-29-24)
Known World Heraldic and Scribal Symposium (06-29-24)
Castle Fever (06-22-24)
Untitled Rapier Event (06-15-24)
Lilies War 2024 (06-07-24)
War Practice Weekend at The Roost II (06-07-24)
Kingdom Arts & Sciences Competition (06-01-24)
Great Western Regional FARE (05-30-24)
Schützenfest XIV (05-17-24)
Northshield Spring Crown Tournament (05-11-24)
Bardic Madness XXXI: Fabulous Fables (05-04-24)
Blades of Glory (04-27-24)
Provost Challenge (04-26-24)
Northshield Spring Coronation**DATE CHANGE** (04-20-24)
April Artisan Faire (04-13-24)
Spring Elevation Celebration (04-06-24)
THAT MOOT THINGY XXIV -The Compass Rose always points Home! (03-15-24)
Gulf Wars (03-09-24)
Hertzkrieg XXVII (03-02-24)
The Most Excellent Winter Archery Extravaganza and Clinic*** DATE CHANGE*** (02-24-24)
-- Select Event --
Officers' Week (02-17-25)
Hertzkrieg XXVIII (02-15-25)
Aedult Swim (02-14-25)
St. Valentine's Day Massacre & Tournament of Chivalry (02-08-25)
A February Frolicking of Fools (02-01-25)
Feast of Lupercalia (02-01-25)
A Midwinter's Day Feast (01-25-25)
Wacky Garb Ball: Blast from the Past (01-25-25)
Nordskogen Twelfth Night (01-18-25)
Winter Regional Melee Practice***CANCELLED *** (12-14-24)
Feast of the Boar's Head (12-07-24)
Toys for Tots Tournament (11-16-24)
SUN - Stellar University of Northshield (11-09-24)
40th Northshield Crown Tournament & 20th Kingdom Anniversary***DATE CHANGE BY STALLARI ** (10-19-24)
Chilies War (10-11-24)
Fall Brawl LIX (10-11-24)
Haustblot- A Norse Harvest Festival (09-27-24)
Missle Mayhem IV ***CANCELLED **** (09-21-24)
Hrothgar's Hall XIII (09-20-24)
Northshield Fall Coronation (09-13-24)
Pirate for a Day 5: We think; therefore we ARRRRR (09-07-24)
Feathers and Steel (09-06-24)
The Griffin Needle Challenge 2024 (09-06-24)
Known World Cooks and Bards (08-30-24)
Constantinople to Istanbul - A Gimli Event (08-30-24)
St. Radegund’s Rose Tournament (08-22-24)
Poor Man's Pennsic (08-16-24)
BYOM XX (Bring Your Own Marshal) Vilku Urvas XXV (08-15-24)
Pennsic War 51 (07-26-24)
Warriors and Warlords XXIX (07-11-24)
Midsummer's Eve XXI: Academy of Arts & Sciences (07-06-24)
Thatsa Mare - Gone to Plaid! (07-05-24)
Known World Dance and Music Symposium XIV (07-04-24)
Battlemoor (07-03-24)
Hero's Feast (06-29-24)
Known World Heraldic and Scribal Symposium (06-29-24)
Castle Fever (06-22-24)
Untitled Rapier Event (06-15-24)
Lilies War 2024 (06-07-24)
War Practice Weekend at The Roost II (06-07-24)
Kingdom Arts & Sciences Competition (06-01-24)
Great Western Regional FARE (05-30-24)
Schützenfest XIV (05-17-24)
Northshield Spring Crown Tournament (05-11-24)
Bardic Madness XXXI: Fabulous Fables (05-04-24)
Blades of Glory (04-27-24)
Provost Challenge (04-26-24)
Northshield Spring Coronation**DATE CHANGE** (04-20-24)
April Artisan Faire (04-13-24)
Spring Elevation Celebration (04-06-24)
THAT MOOT THINGY XXIV -The Compass Rose always points Home! (03-15-24)
Gulf Wars (03-09-24)
Hertzkrieg XXVII (03-02-24)
The Most Excellent Winter Archery Extravaganza and Clinic*** DATE CHANGE*** (02-24-24)
-- Select Event --
Officers' Week (02-17-25)
Hertzkrieg XXVIII (02-15-25)
Aedult Swim (02-14-25)
St. Valentine's Day Massacre & Tournament of Chivalry (02-08-25)
A February Frolicking of Fools (02-01-25)
Feast of Lupercalia (02-01-25)
A Midwinter's Day Feast (01-25-25)
Wacky Garb Ball: Blast from the Past (01-25-25)
Nordskogen Twelfth Night (01-18-25)
Winter Regional Melee Practice***CANCELLED *** (12-14-24)
Feast of the Boar's Head (12-07-24)
Toys for Tots Tournament (11-16-24)
SUN - Stellar University of Northshield (11-09-24)
40th Northshield Crown Tournament & 20th Kingdom Anniversary***DATE CHANGE BY STALLARI ** (10-19-24)
Chilies War (10-11-24)
Fall Brawl LIX (10-11-24)
Haustblot- A Norse Harvest Festival (09-27-24)
Missle Mayhem IV ***CANCELLED **** (09-21-24)
Hrothgar's Hall XIII (09-20-24)
Northshield Fall Coronation (09-13-24)
Pirate for a Day 5: We think; therefore we ARRRRR (09-07-24)
Feathers and Steel (09-06-24)
The Griffin Needle Challenge 2024 (09-06-24)
Known World Cooks and Bards (08-30-24)
Constantinople to Istanbul - A Gimli Event (08-30-24)
St. Radegund’s Rose Tournament (08-22-24)
Poor Man's Pennsic (08-16-24)
BYOM XX (Bring Your Own Marshal) Vilku Urvas XXV (08-15-24)
Pennsic War 51 (07-26-24)
Warriors and Warlords XXIX (07-11-24)
Midsummer's Eve XXI: Academy of Arts & Sciences (07-06-24)
Thatsa Mare - Gone to Plaid! (07-05-24)
Known World Dance and Music Symposium XIV (07-04-24)
Battlemoor (07-03-24)
Hero's Feast (06-29-24)
Known World Heraldic and Scribal Symposium (06-29-24)
Castle Fever (06-22-24)
Untitled Rapier Event (06-15-24)
Lilies War 2024 (06-07-24)
War Practice Weekend at The Roost II (06-07-24)
Kingdom Arts & Sciences Competition (06-01-24)
Great Western Regional FARE (05-30-24)
Schützenfest XIV (05-17-24)
Northshield Spring Crown Tournament (05-11-24)
Bardic Madness XXXI: Fabulous Fables (05-04-24)
Blades of Glory (04-27-24)
Provost Challenge (04-26-24)
Northshield Spring Coronation**DATE CHANGE** (04-20-24)
April Artisan Faire (04-13-24)
Spring Elevation Celebration (04-06-24)
THAT MOOT THINGY XXIV -The Compass Rose always points Home! (03-15-24)
Gulf Wars (03-09-24)
Hertzkrieg XXVII (03-02-24)
The Most Excellent Winter Archery Extravaganza and Clinic*** DATE CHANGE*** (02-24-24)
-- Select Event --
Officers' Week (02-17-25)
Hertzkrieg XXVIII (02-15-25)
Aedult Swim (02-14-25)
St. Valentine's Day Massacre & Tournament of Chivalry (02-08-25)
A February Frolicking of Fools (02-01-25)
Feast of Lupercalia (02-01-25)
A Midwinter's Day Feast (01-25-25)
Wacky Garb Ball: Blast from the Past (01-25-25)
Nordskogen Twelfth Night (01-18-25)
Winter Regional Melee Practice***CANCELLED *** (12-14-24)
Feast of the Boar's Head (12-07-24)
Toys for Tots Tournament (11-16-24)
SUN - Stellar University of Northshield (11-09-24)
40th Northshield Crown Tournament & 20th Kingdom Anniversary***DATE CHANGE BY STALLARI ** (10-19-24)
Chilies War (10-11-24)
Fall Brawl LIX (10-11-24)
Haustblot- A Norse Harvest Festival (09-27-24)
Missle Mayhem IV ***CANCELLED **** (09-21-24)
Hrothgar's Hall XIII (09-20-24)
Northshield Fall Coronation (09-13-24)
Pirate for a Day 5: We think; therefore we ARRRRR (09-07-24)
Feathers and Steel (09-06-24)
The Griffin Needle Challenge 2024 (09-06-24)
Known World Cooks and Bards (08-30-24)
Constantinople to Istanbul - A Gimli Event (08-30-24)
St. Radegund’s Rose Tournament (08-22-24)
Poor Man's Pennsic (08-16-24)
BYOM XX (Bring Your Own Marshal) Vilku Urvas XXV (08-15-24)
Pennsic War 51 (07-26-24)
Warriors and Warlords XXIX (07-11-24)
Midsummer's Eve XXI: Academy of Arts & Sciences (07-06-24)
Thatsa Mare - Gone to Plaid! (07-05-24)
Known World Dance and Music Symposium XIV (07-04-24)
Battlemoor (07-03-24)
Hero's Feast (06-29-24)
Known World Heraldic and Scribal Symposium (06-29-24)
Castle Fever (06-22-24)
Untitled Rapier Event (06-15-24)
Lilies War 2024 (06-07-24)
War Practice Weekend at The Roost II (06-07-24)
Kingdom Arts & Sciences Competition (06-01-24)
Great Western Regional FARE (05-30-24)
Schützenfest XIV (05-17-24)
Northshield Spring Crown Tournament (05-11-24)
Bardic Madness XXXI: Fabulous Fables (05-04-24)
Blades of Glory (04-27-24)
Provost Challenge (04-26-24)
Northshield Spring Coronation**DATE CHANGE** (04-20-24)
April Artisan Faire (04-13-24)
Spring Elevation Celebration (04-06-24)
THAT MOOT THINGY XXIV -The Compass Rose always points Home! (03-15-24)
Gulf Wars (03-09-24)
Hertzkrieg XXVII (03-02-24)
The Most Excellent Winter Archery Extravaganza and Clinic*** DATE CHANGE*** (02-24-24)
Any Injuries, Problems, Concerns or Comments (also include any unlisted events):
If you have additional documentation, please send it separately - send authorization paperwork to the Clerk of the Roster ( and send non-participant waivers to the Minister of Waivers (
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