Master Cadwallon y Rhudd Master Cadwallon y Rhudd

La Festa del Amore

Hosted by: Shire of Midewinde

Start Date: 2/8/2014 Thru End Date: 2/8/2014 48
Roosevelt Park Zoo
1219 E Burdick Expy
Minot ND 58701

Planned Activities: Arts & Sciences Competition , Arts & Sciences Display , Classes , Rapier Combat
Now in Italian!

Whether 'tis nobler in the mind...
...Or to take arms...
...Perchance to Dream

In Shakespeare’s "Othello", Iago speaks, “For when my outward action doth demonstrate the native act and figure of my heart…I will wear my heart upon my sleeve.”

The day will be filled with our love of the Dream by mind and arms:

Period Portrait Challenge (A&S) – Team produces a setting worthy to be painted. Minimum requirements are a small table and seat. Table linens, rugs, foods and dining accessories are encouraged as well as any documentation to provide bonus. Judges and Populace will determine the most “portrait-worthy presence”. Prizes will be announced soon!

Iago's Duel (Rapier) – Your actions must demonstrate the worthiness of your heart! If you boast that your Love is greater than all, you will be met by challenge to three touches. The one who holds their claim in the end will receive a cloak to warm their love, a worthy buckler to protect their heart and a belt to keep their sword near in case their love is challenged again!

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