Ihashi Hidezo (Pennsic 24) Ihashi Hidezo (Pennsic 24)

Drachenwald's 20th Anniversary

Hosted by: Kingdom of Drachenwald

Start Date: 6/19/2013 Thru End Date: 6/23/2013 48
Burg Ludwigstein
Jugendburg Ludwigstein 1
Witzenhausen, Germany

Planned Activities: Armored Combat , Archery , Arts & Sciences Display , Bardic Activities , Classes , Dancing , Rapier Combat

20 Years of Drachenwald

Unto all Crowns Royal, Coronets, Dukes and Duchesses, Counts and Countesses, Viscounts and Viscountesses, Barons and Baronesses, Lords and Ladies and all good gentles of our fellow Kingdoms doth the Kingdom of Drachenwald send greetings.

Let it be known that in the month of June, in the year of 2013 by the common reckoning, the Kingdom of Drachenwald shall be celebrating the 20th anniversary of its founding. This celebration shall take place from the 19th to the 23rd of said month of June in the castle known as Burg Ludwigstein, near the city of Witzhausen in Germany, where there will be five days of fighting, feasting, festivities, song and celebration to coincide with the Coronation of our 41st King and Queen.

For such a momentous occasion, we are desirous that as many folks who have dwelt in our Kingdom should come and join us in marking this anniversary. Thus we do ask that all those who hear these words do spread the word far and wide to our former residents, and in particular to any who have sat upon the Dragon Throne, as we would be especially pleased to have Them celebrate with us. By word of mouth, by winged messenger, by Kingdom publications let this news be spread.  Without any doubt, other folks who have affection for our Kingdom are welcome to join us too.

For those wishing to know more, please contact our winged messenger via or consult the web weavings that may be found at our hall of tapestries:


With bated anticipation and in service to the Dream

Sven & Siobhan

King & Queen of Drachenwald

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