Semi-final bout at Crown, Fall 2007 Semi-final bout at Crown, Fall 2007

Known World Academy of Rapier & Known World Costuming Symposium

Hosted by: Kingdom of Middle

Start Date: 11/9/2012 Thru End Date: 11/11/2012 47
The Holiday Inn - Itasca
860 W Irving Park Boulevard
Itasca IL 60143-2094

Planned Activities: Classes , Rapier Combat

The Shire of Ravenslake and The Thieves of Hearts are proud to present the

Known World Academy of Rapier and
Known World Costuming Symposium

Join us for two days of classes, contests, workshops, and displays of skill in the arts of historical and SCA combat and historical costuming as we bring together students and teachers from both within the SCA and from the larger historical martial arts and costuming communities.

We will also feature keynote presentations, a masquerade ball and cocktail party. For those who are interested, there will be a trip to the Art Institute of Chicago, home of extensive collections of historical arms, armor, and textiles.

The event is open to SCA members and non-members alike and we encourage anyone with an interest in history, martial arts, and costuming to join us.

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