Mistress Wyndreth providing feast entertainment Mistress Wyndreth providing feast entertainment

Stellar University of Northshield (SUN) and Heralds & Scribes Symposium

Hosted by: Canton of Nordleigh

Start Date: 6/16/2012 Thru End Date: 6/16/2012 47
Roosevelt Community School
122 E McKinley St
Owatonna MN 55060

Planned Activities: Arts & Sciences Display , Classes
The Canton of Nordleigh, the Northshield College of Heralds and the SUN Chancellor cordially invite you to attend the summer session of the Stellar University of Northshield, in association with the Heralds & Scribes Symposium!

This event will feature a full roster of classes on many varied and diverse subjects, including (but not limited to) 3 tracks for current and aspiring heralds and scribes.

Site fee: $10
NMS: $5

There will not be a feast, but a potluck lunch will be available. We request a freewill donation earmarked for the Kingdom General Fund. There are also several fine eating establishments in the area, several of whom deliver. Menus and phone numbers will be available at gate.

For further information, including class schedules and hotel information, please see the website.

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