Ciara inghean MaelPatraic in bardic competition Ciara inghean MaelPatraic in bardic competition

Moorish Tavern -- CANCELLED

Hosted by: Shire of Midewinde

Start Date: 6/22/2012 Thru End Date: 6/24/2012 47
Lake Metigoshe State Park
Lake Metigoshe State Park
Bottineau ND 58318

Planned Activities: Armored Combat , Arts & Sciences Display , Rapier Combat
Dear Friends in Northshield,
I regret to inform You who live throughout this great Kingdom that the anticipated return of Moorish Tavern is going to have to be delayed until next year, 2013. We the people of Midewinde have made great strides in returning our homes to usable abodes after the floods that struck us last year. Yet, we find that the work needed is still occupying too much of our time and will be ongoing for some time still. Also, some of our members have been struck with some injuries to themselves or family members that will prevent them from participating this year. With all this outside influence on our membership, we find that hosting a Good Event has become extremely difficult if not impossible, even with the aid of all of our friends from the nearby groups.

We have discussed hosting the event at a greatly scaled down level, but we decided that to do so would not be fair to our friends who travel out here to be with us. Nor would it be fair to us. An event not up to our normal standards would in our view be worse than no event at all.

With the progress we are making and barring the unforeseen we hope to re-institute our February event, Une Fete d’Amour next Feb 2013 Presidents day weekend, and return in June of 2013 to Moorish Tavern “because the rumors of our demise are greatly overstated, we are NOT dead yet.”

On Behalf of the Shire of Midewinde
I remain your servant in the Dream
THL David de Bohun

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