Hey, Dad--Wait for me!!! Hey, Dad--Wait for me!!!

Hertzkrieg XVII

Hosted by: College of Svatý Sebesta

Start Date: 2/4/2012 Thru End Date: 2/4/2012 46
The Clay County Extension Office
515 High Street
Vermillion SD 57069

Planned Activities: Armored Combat , Rapier Combat
Hertzkrieg XVII:  Display your chivalry by fighting for the honor of a consort! You must have a consort to participate in the tourney.  Plenty of space available for working on A&S projects (please bring them!) and catching up with friends.

Fencing authorizations start at 9, with the tourney following at 10 am.
Fencing Melee practice led by Ambrose will happen after the tourney.
Armored combat begins when fencing finishes (after lunch).

Fencing MIC:  Athelflaed  
Armored MIC:  Katsuo Toyaoka

Lunch and feast will be served on site.  

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