Wulfric and Judith dancing Wulfric and Judith dancing

Rhythm and Bruise 3: Tora Matsuri (Tiger Festival)

Hosted by: Shire of Korsväg

Start Date: 11/5/2011 Thru End Date: 11/5/2011 46
Dilworth Community Center
709 1st Avenue NW.
Dilworth MN 56529

Planned Activities: Armored Combat , Bardic Activities , Dancing , Rapier Combat
The Shire of Korsvag wishes to welcome you to an ancient fall festival to be held within our humble shire. With the Harvests in and the long winter not yet upon us, the time to thank the gods for their bounty and join with our friends beckons. Come to challenge yourself in the numerous martial contests both with Rapier and Rattan. But not all the contests are of martial skill. There will be time to dance, sing, and display one's bardic prowess. And what gathering of friends after the harvest would be complete without a Feast?

This event is Japanese themed and attendees are encouraged to dress for the theme, but are of course welcome however they choose to attend.

This event will also be hosting the Princess' Sleeve Tournament and the Chivalry Invitational.

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