Nuala inghean ui Chaoindealbhain Nuala inghean ui Chaoindealbhain

Fighters Retreat III

Hosted by: Canton of Blachemere (inactive)

Start Date: 12/18/2010 Thru End Date: 12/18/2010 45
Cygnus Academy
440 Pierce St
Anoka MN 55303

Planned Activities: Armored Combat

Fighter’sRetreat III



A full day of fighting,devoted to classes, instruction,

and execution of thefine art of SCA fighting

SiteFee: $5.00 , If your are not a member the mandatoryNon Member Fee is $5.00 in addition

Location:Northstar Office Park 440 Pierce St Anoka, MN 55330

Thebuilding is located one block North of US Hwy 10, and 2 blocks Eastof US Hwy 47/Ferry Street in Anoka.

Itis also 1 block south of the Northstar Train Station in Anoka

plansfor the day include Fighting instruction, Fighting, Running theGauntlet, and probably some more fighting.

9amSite opens

9am-4pm armour inspections and authorizations

10am – 4pm crown round fighting list (will be populated by a knightwho will give the fighter a crown level fight or two and

thenthe next person in line can fight) Can be re-entered multiple times.

10am- Noon group work with some knights and small groups of unbeltsspecific to a weapons style or fighting style.

Noon-1 pm lunch for those who want to do that.

Noon– 1 open fighting to work on what was learned earlier.

1pm-2pm Melee small group tactics

2pm-4pm small group melee Unbelt teams versus a group of knights/ IGL. (will take up one section of the floor)

2pm– 4pm small group or individual instruction by some Knights/ IGLinstruction will be whatever the teacher wants it to be.

Thiswill be on another section of the floor.

4:30pm clean up and head out to eat.

Lateraka after dinner Post revel location to be posted at Troll


allthings related to fighting:Count Tom

sitedirections/misc:: Lady Ellen of blachemere



TheCanton of Blachemere of the barony of Nordskogen 

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