Ladies cooling at the lake Ladies cooling at the lake

Known World Dance Symposium

Hosted by: Kingdom of Middle

Start Date: 7/1/2011 Thru End Date: 7/3/2011 46
Indiana University
900 East 7th St.
Bloomington IN 47405

Planned Activities: Classes , Dancing

The Shire of Mynydd Seren is proud to host the 8th Known World Dance Symposium

Join us for three days of classes on Renaissance and Middle Eastern Dance, Music and Theory for beginners and experienced dancers and musicians from July 1 thru 3, 2011. Our site is the Indiana Memorial Union at Indiana University, 900 East 7th St., Bloomington, IN 47405. This is one of the largest student unions, with ball rooms, meeting rooms, a hotel and a variety of food in one building. A block of hotel rooms available in the Union, as well as dorm rooms further away.

The site opens at 8 am July 1 and closes at 5 pm July 3. There will be several tracks of classes during the day and balls on Friday and Saturday night.

Site Fee $50 (3 day) $25 (1 day) until May 1, 2011 or $70 (3 day) $25 (1 day) thereafter. Non-members add $5 surcharge. A Proceedings book will be available for $7 until May 1 or $10 at the door.

Online reservations are being accepted through ACCEPS. Mailed reservations should be sent to Susan Anderson, 434 Miami St., Ellettsville, IN 47429. Make checks payable to SCA, Inc. - Mynydd Seren.

Hotel rooms should be reserved by contacting the Indiana Memorial Union directly at or by calling 800-209-8145. Use the group code SCAC-11 to get the group rate. Dorm rooms are single rooms with a bathroom shared between two rooms. The cost is $54.88 per night, payable to Indiana University Halls of Residence. Rooms must be reserved in advance by contacting Susan Anderson, but do not have to be paid for until arrival.

More info at or contact the autocrat Urraca Yriarte de Gamboa,, Mary Railing, 300 W. 17th St., Bloomington, IN 47404, (812) 332-5460

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