Middle Kingdom Cooks Collegium

Hosted by: Kingdom of Middle

Start Date: 10/23/2010 Thru End Date: 10/23/2010 45
Roselle United Methodist Church
206 Rush St.
Roselle IL 60172

Planned Activities: Classes

Hosted by the Shire of Vanished Wood

The Middle Kingdom Cooks Collegium is an event dedicated to expanding the knowledge and research for the arts and sciences of cooking. Come enjoy and exploration of tastes and textures while enjoying the company of some truly inspiring people.


Site will open at 9 a.m. and close at 9 p.m. Saturday.


We are looking for classes! Please volunteer!


We are encouraging teachers to provide their class handouts prior to the event to be published electronically.

Historical Costume (Garb):

For classes during the day historical costume is welcome but not required. This is for the convenience of travelers, to welcome participation from non-members, and to help protect your historical clothing while cooking.

Evening participation, including dinner, requires historical costume. There will be changing rooms on site. If you do not own appropriate clothing please contact us so that we can ensure that loaner garb is available for your use.

Evening Meal:

We are bringing together one of the greatest gatherings of cooks in the Known World so why not take advantage of that?

Instead of a feast we are asking everyone to bring their favorite dish for one of the best potluck meals possible. Here is your chance to show of your skills or simply cook your favorite food. Historical choices are preferred.

We would love for you to let us know what you are planning to bring in advance so that we can post it to our website. Feel free to send your recipe too so we can share that as well.

Please plan to serve at least 8 – 10 people.

Contact our Evening Meal Coordinator, Dame Nicholaa Halden at nhalden@comcast.net for more information.

Registration Fees:

Adults and Children over 16: $8.00
Children ages 6 to 16: $4.00
Children ages 5 and under: Free
Non-member surcharge: $5.00. Non-member surcharge applies to anyone without proof of membership.


We will have a limited amount of space available for merchants. Vendors offering cooking related goods are especially encouraged to come and will receive space preference.


Event Steward:
Master Philip White
(Craig W. Shupeé)

Evening Meal Coordinator:
Dame Nicholaa Halden

Registration Coordinator (Troll / Gate):
Master Sean O'Shaughnessy

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