Northshield under the leadership of HRM Hagan take the flag in the rapier ravine battle at Gulf Wars Northshield under the leadership of HRM Hagan take the flag in the rapier ravine battle at Gulf Wars

Moorish Tavern, The Siege of Tunis 1535

Hosted by: Shire of Midewinde

Start Date: 6/25/2010 Thru End Date: 6/27/2010 45
Lake Metigoshe State Park

Bottineau ND 58138

Planned Activities: Armored Combat , Archery , Arts & Sciences Display , Bardic Activities , Classes , Rapier Combat

Site Opens: Friday 9:00 a.m. June 25, 2010
Site Closes: Sunday 11:00 p.m. June 27, 2010

Site is discretely damp - No Kegs and no alcohol/smoking in public buildings

Site Accommodations:

Camping / Dorms / full bathrooms / showers / handicap accessible


Note: $3.00 Non-member surcharge applies
Pre-registered: Visit our website and click on "registrations" for more information.
Pre-Registration discount deadline is June 4th.

Site Fees: All individuals (11 and over) $ 5.00 (Pre-registered) or $7.00 (at check in)
Children Under 10 yrs: FREE

Campsite Fee: $10.00 per night (each family) basic campsite
$15.00 per night (each family) includes use of electricity

Dorm Use Fee: $6.00 per night (each person - all ages) bring your own linens(sheets)

Feast: $10.00 (Pre-registered) or $15.00 (at check in) / Children under 10 yrs: FREE

Merchants: No charge for Merchants providing own tables
(Please contact Event Stewards regarding any questions or concerns)


This year Moorish Tavern has the honor of hosting Her Royal Highness's Princess's Sleeve Tournament as well as the Annual Period Encampment Challenge, Regional Armored Practice and many more activities.

Please see our website for more information.

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