The Shire of Schattentor went to War The Shire of Schattentor went to War

Regional fighter practice and Moot

Hosted by: Shire of Inner Sea

Start Date: 8/22/2009 Thru End Date: 8/22/2009 44
Dunlap Island Park
St. Louis Ave
Cloquet MN 55720

Planned Activities: Armored Combat , Arts & Sciences Display

Inner Sea will be holding their annual fighter practice and moot.  Note the change of site.  

Come and enjoy a day in the park with us on the St Louis River.  There will be Armored Combat, there is space for rapier but bring your own marshal.   If you have an A&S project to finish or want to share bring that.  We will be providing soup for lunch-feel free to bring a side to share.  This site does not have a pavillion but we are planning on canopies.  Bring your own chairs. 

Date-August 22, 2009          Times-10:00 to 5:00 we must be clear of site by 6.

Directions to the park are:  Take Hwy 33 into Cloquet.  At Cloquet Ave turn west.  Take an immediate right turn onto Broadway St to St. Louis Ave.  Drive under Hwy 33 bridge to the Park.  There are porta potties available.  The park is flat but not handicapped accessible.  Plenty of parking is available and close to site.

If there are any questions contact:

Event Steward- Debborah von Dachs - (Debra Bloomquist) 715-392-6607  debra.bloomquist at yahoo dot com

or Seneschal-Olaf Kristsson- (Chris Ryberg) 218-729-1515

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