TE Khadijah and Rodrigo de Montoya TE Khadijah and Rodrigo de Montoya

Officers' Week

Hosted by: Kingdom of Northshield

Start Date: 2/17/2025 Thru End Date: 2/21/2025 59
Online- Zoom

Planned Activities: Classes
It has been nine years since the last Officers' Day. To make up for lost time, we are not going to have an Officer Day, we're going to have an Officers' Week! Five days of meetings, two meetings per evening. All from the comfort of home online. And for free. 

This is an opportunity for kingdom and local officers to meet one another, discussions matters related to the offices, and receive training.  This is also an excellent opportunity for gentles who are interested in learning about an office, either at the local or kingdom levels, to learn what is involved.

Monday, February 17
7 pm- The Royal Family
Meeting ID: 871 8823 0765
Passcode: 829550

8:15 pm- Webministers
Meeting ID: 880 9994 5365
Passcode: 735539

Tuesday, February 18
7 pm- Exchequers
Meeting ID: 843 4782 7915
Passcode: 846410

Wednesday, February 19
7 pm- Marshallate
Meeting ID: 873 1401 8663
Passcode: 077193

8:15 pm- Chatelaines
Meeting ID: 870 9015 7639
Passcode: 527239

Thursday, February 20
7 pm- Heralds
Meeting ID: 849 7874 1628
Passcode: 650001

8:15 pm- Chroniclers & Social Media Officers
Meeting ID: 838 5430 8581
Passcode: 382591

Friday, February 21
7 pm- Seneschals
Meeting ID: 882 2231 7309
Passcode: 763954

8:15 pm- Ministers of Arts & Sciences
Meeting ID: 896 4471 0724
Passcode: 568030

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