Ian MacTawisch Ian MacTawisch

Ramsey County Employee Demo

Hosted by: Barony of Nordskogen

Start Date: 9/25/2024 Thru End Date: 9/25/2024 59
Long Lake Regional Park
1500 Old Highway 8
New Brighton MN 55112

Planned Activities: Arts & Sciences Display
This demo is for the entire staff of Ramsey County. There will be a variety of other vendors and groups in attendance. We are planning on roughly 2000 people that will be seeing us on this day. We would love to have you join us! Please also bring your banners or any easily transportable period encampment items.
Site opens 8am for set up
Demo runs 10-3
Site closes 3pm
  • No fees.  Pot luck lunch (barony provides entrees, members bring side dishes) to those who are able to attend. 
  • Reservations/deadlines: RSVP to Judith of Northwode with what you would like to demo/participate in by September 15th.
  • Event Steward contact info (including modern and SCA names, phone number and/or email):
  • Accessibility – limited. Public Park, on grass.


Will the following be allowed/available:

  • Limited presence space, shade tents encouraged.
  • Merchant Space –  merchants are welcome! Any food vendors are required to have the appropriate state food license. There will also be a variety of merchants to shop at too! 
  • Food other than feast – food trucks will be on site, or bring your own lunch.  


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