Maestro Etienne de Clermont Maestro Etienne de Clermont

Pirate for a Day 5: We think; therefore we ARRRRR

Hosted by: Shire of Inner Sea

Start Date: 9/7/2024 Thru End Date: 9/7/2024 59
Viking Village of Charlie and Morgan Cossette
3102 Deer Forest Rd
Makinen MN 55763

Planned Activities: Armored Combat , Archery , Bardic Activities , Rapier Combat , Thrown Weapons , Youth Boffer Combat

Join the pirates of the Inner Sea for our fifth pirate-themed event!!!


Site opens at Noon for setting up camp and combat/activity areas


8:00 am – Event officially starts and Site opens for all attendees

9:00 am - Gate opens until noon

10:00 am – Martial activities begin

Noon to 1 pm – Gate closes; lunch for marshals

O’ dark thirty – Event ends and revels begin!!


Site closes at Noon due to rum being gone


$15 for members

$20 for non-members ($10 non-member fee included)

$5 for 11-17 yrs of age

FREE for 10 years of age or younger

Family cap: $40 members, $50non-member


Fields are available for youth and armored combat, rapier, and plenty of trails for woods battles.  Archery and thrown weapons ranges are also available.  There is plenty of space for A+S, free camping Friday through Sunday, bardic, and socializing.  Free firewood and an outdoor shower, as well as a sauna, are available; donations accepted for electrical hook ups and firewood.  Site is wet, because pirates love rum.  The site is on private property and the owners reserve the right to keelhaul the stupid and/or dangerous.  Site is pet-friendly, but pets MUST remain on leash at all times and all their left behind “treasures” must be picked up immediately.


Local hotel, motel, and restaurant info will be posted on the Facebook event site. Any questions, concerns, site/space requests, and/or good pirate jokes, please contact Mahir via FB Messenger, email at with subject “Pirate for a Day 2024”, or 218-410-0180 (text is fine, but no calls after 9pm please; pirates need sleep too).


Event Steward:

THSayyid/Lord Mahir bil Tabla (Matt Jarva) 218-410-0180,

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