Arthur Angus Arthur Angus

The 4th Annual Herbal & Garden Symposium

Hosted by: Kingdom of Middle

Start Date: 5/17/2008 Thru End Date: 5/17/2008 43
Gethsemane Lutheran Church
3152 Clyde Park Ave SW
Wyoming MI 49509

Planned Activities: Arts & Sciences Display , Classes

We would like to invite and encourage you to present a class at this year's Symposium regardless of your level of expertise. Beginners and experts alike are welcome to share their knowledge. Classes are typically 1 hour long, though some hands-on classes may run as long as 2 hours.

We're looking for teachers willing to present classes on any topic related to the Gardening or Herbalism. Contact us! We'd love to have you teach!

Previous classes have included various herbs (with recipes and samples!), herbs and plants used in period dyes, medieval measurements, herbs in cooking (I remember a wonderful bread - yum), hands-on classes working with herbs, classes on cooking, period gardening, period flowers and herbs in medieval scrollwork, as well as dessert and confection varieties.

Don't let your imagination stop there. Why not consider a class on gardening for the beginner, medieval container gardening, spices used in a specific culture, soap making, period gardens as they are today, The possibilities are endless.

To help prospective teachers out, here are some possibilities for ways in which information can be taught each could include handouts, note taking and/or visual materials: Class presentations, generally a verbal presentation with present or ongoing research - Hands On Demos, an interactive way to introduce or expand your students knowledge on the process of creating something new.

Lady Harley the Herbalist
C/o Jennifer Hayes

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