Rapier Combatants Rapier Combatants

A Midwinter's Day Feast

Hosted by: Shire of Schattentor

Start Date: 1/20/2024 Thru End Date: 1/20/2024 58
St. Andrew's Episcopal Church
910 Sioux San Drive
Rapid City SD 57702

Planned Activities: Arts & Sciences Display

It may be January, but we laugh at the cold and snow and refuse to let them win, for we are Northshield and know the meaning of conviviality, even in the depths of winter!

So please join us in a Midwinter's Day Feast as we huddle for warmth and gaiety once more.

Site opens at 11 am and closes at 9 pm Mountain Time. 

Site fee is $15 (17 & above), $10 for members. Under 16 are free.

Checks Payable to: SCA Inc-Shire of Schattentor

Feast, as always, is a potluck, and we request you bring an attempt at a period dish as we are sponsoring a cooking competition for the best dish.  Kitchen facilities are available, and if you need help, please contact us.  If you don't feel up to cooking a period recipe, or are coming from out of town, please remember that bread or cheese are always options.

Site is wet, though Schattentor will have non-alcoholic beverages available.

We also are once more planning a dessert auction and a silent auction.

Other entertainment and classes will be announced later; please check Schattentor's webpage at https://sites.google.com/view/shireofschattentor/eventsfor updates.  Or contact:

Event Steward: Heledd of Mathrafal (Barbara Dunfee) starwefter@aim.com

(Although the SCA complies with all applicable laws to ensure the healthand safety of our event participants, we cannot eliminate the risk of exposureto infectious diseases during in-person events. By participating in thein-person events of the SCA, you acknowledge and accept the potential risks.You agree to take any additional steps to protect your own health and safetyand those under your control as you believe to be necessary.)

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