Northshield and Calontir friendship pennon Northshield and Calontir friendship pennon

Scribing and Imbibing at Stone Dog Inn

Hosted by: Kingdom of Middle

Start Date: 4/2/2022 Thru End Date: 4/2/2022 56
St. Stephen Lutheran Church
14700 Kildare Ave
Midlothian IL 60445

Planned Activities: Arts & Sciences Display , Classes , Thrown Weapons
Covid Safe rules, Scribing, brewing and games themed. We want to invite our friends from Northshield to come out for a day of relaxation with games, thrown weapons, drink and merriment in the Barony of Ayreton! Facebook event and website forthcoming. There will be lunch and a feast current situations permitting.

Site opens 8am and closes 8pm
Site Fee $10

Bottomless cup $2

Lunch $6

Feast $8

We are also having a contingency for online.


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