Jacques Louis de Froi and Sorcha inghean Maille Jacques Louis de Froi and Sorcha inghean Maille

Experimental Arts & Sciences

Hosted by: Shire of Mare Amethystinum

Start Date: 5/27/2022 Thru End Date: 5/30/2022 57
Gillies Community Center
1895 Hwy 595
South Gillies ON P0T 2VO

Planned Activities: Arts & Sciences Display , Classes
Site opens noon Friday May 27th and runs through Monday May 30th at noon

Fees: no charge (Event sponsored by Sir Geoffrey and Mistress Tatiana)

Some of the more hands on, get dirty, build fires and dig pits portion of the event will be just down the road (approx a block) at 1899 HWY 608, South Gillies, Ontario P0T 2V0

History is based on bits and pieces and findings - come help us put them together and recreate historical pieces using historic processes. Test out your theories, right or wrong. Let’s try to figure out how they could have done things in the past.

The purpose of this event is to try to recreate period techniques, avoiding modern methods, if at all possible. (For example modern methods will be used where safety is a concern or where a certain tool is not modernly or easily available, etc.) We are providing space at the hall for things that are better accomplished indoors or need a kitchen.  Some of the more hands on, get dirty, build fires and dig pits portion of the event will be just down the road (approx a block) at Geoffrey and Tatiana’s property. 

Once the Facebook page is up we will post what people have planned to work on and we can add what you want to work on if you let us know. Everyone is welcome to come watch, advise and participate.  The planning of this is a work in progress and your input is welcome.

Ideas on projects that could be attempted are:

  • Sewing garb that you have always wanted to try but never had the chance or a certain aspect baffles you and you want to try to figure it out.
  • A place where you can dig a pit and try X or build a furnace to do Y? Where you have like minded people around to pick their brains.
  • Making your own pigments for illumination or trying an aspect of illumination you have not tried before. Making your own ink and/or making your own quill pen.  doing calligraphy with a pen you made or using a glass pen.
  • How to gild fabric for decoration.
  • Aspects or armor making.
  • Warping a loom and using it.
  • Making cheese, butter, etc.
  • The list is really endless.

Confirmed projects:

  • Building a clay baking oven and using it to bake bread and a pie in within 24 hours.
  • Cooking a turkey (yes they are period) over an open fire.
  • Building a period bead furnace and making beads.
  • Making period inks for stamping using charcoal.
  • Smelting iron using period methods
  • Pewter casting - everyone will get to make their own site token pin
  • Metal casting using period methods

Both site buildings are accessible, though the kitchen area is not.

Event steward: Mistress Tatiana Marana Melville (Tonia Heng) 414-218-1589 tatianam@ameritech.net

This is a camping event. No showers on site. There is space inside the building for populace space and to set up a presence if desired.  No merchants planned.

There will be a group potluck on Saturday and Sunday evening.  The turkey, bread and pie from period methods will be put towards dinner whichever day they get done   There is a full kitchen on site and electrical outlets. This location is rural, there is not much in this area for food.  Dinner reservations can be made at Rose Valley Lodge www.rosevalleylodge.com  or Green Acres Variety sells food that can be heated but also has specials on some days and sells panzarottis, pizza, nachos and quesadillas made to order and also alcohol.  https://greenacrevariety.ca 

Rose Valley Lodge has rooms to book but the closest hotels are about 30 minutes away. 

Although the SCA complies with all applicable laws to try toensure the health and safety of our event participants, we cannot eliminate therisk of exposure of infectious diseases during in-person events.  By participating in the in-person events ofthe SCA, you acknowledge and accept the potential risks.  You agree to take any additional steps toprotect your own health and safety and those under your control as you believeto be necessary.

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