Dame Josceline Levesque Dame Josceline Levesque

Hertzkrieg XXV***NEW DATE**

Hosted by: College of Svatý Sebesta

Start Date: 4/23/2022 Thru End Date: 4/23/2022 56
National Guard Armory
603 Princeton St
Vermillion SD 57069

Planned Activities: Armored Combat , Arts & Sciences Competition , Dancing , Rapier Combat
Please join us for a War of Hearts! more information to follow. There will be rapier and armored combat tournaments, an A&S competition via bean count, a fantastic feast, and dancing!


Site opens 8am for merchants 9am for populace
Site closes at 9pm

Site fees:
Adult (18 & above) $15
Adult member  $10
College student with ID $7
College student member with ID $5
Youth 12-18 $5
Youth under 12 are free
Family Cap $40

Lunch $5
Feast  $10

Checks payable to: SCA Inc-College of Svaty Sebesta

Pre-registration deadline is April 18th.  Use this form to register  https://tinyurl.com/hertzkrieg
Pre-payment option will be possible in early 2022

Event Steward: Duchess Elis Godbeare (Anne Hinseth) mistressofdoom@gmail.com; 605-659-0227
Feast Steward: Domina Messiena Marcella

Populace space: Yes
Merchant space: Yes, but limited.  Please contact the event steward to register
Showers: Yes
Handicap Accessible: Yes

Although the SCA complies with all applicable laws to try to ensure the health and safefy of our event participants, we cannot eliminate the risk of exposure to infectious diseases during in-person events. By participating in the in-person events of the SCA, you acknowledge and accept the potential risks. You agree to take any additional steps to protect your own health and safety and those under your control as you believe to be necessary.


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