Eva of Greenfield Eva of Greenfield

Pirate For a Day 3

Hosted by: Shire of Inner Sea

Start Date: 9/17/2021 Thru End Date: 9/19/2021 56
Viking Village
3102 Deer Forrest Rd
Makinen MN 55763-8072

Planned Activities: Armored Combat , Archery , Bardic Activities , Classes , Rapier Combat , Thrown Weapons , Youth Boffer Combat

Arrr!! The Pirates of the Inner Sea be back for our celebration of International Talk Like a Pirate Day. From our new safe harbor, we be offering all our traditional pirate themed activities plus a few new surprises.  Archery, Armored Combat, Rapier, Bardic and Classes all return.  Additionally, there be Thrown and (if allowed) Youth Combat.  Finally, this larger site allows us to offer camping Friday and Saturday night.

Site Opens at 5 Friday night and Closes at noon on Sunday.  All official activities are on Saturday the 18th. 

Site Fees
 $15 or $10 for members

No additional fees for merchants.
No additional fees for tents. 
Details on electrical hook up for campers coming soon.

Checks payable to: SCA Inc-Shire of Inner Sea

Event Steward: Luftwine Byrnesmith (Lyle Koesterman) brotherbootknifeofpatience@gmail.com

All fires must be attended and in either raised fire pits or permanent fire pits all ready on site (currently still in construction).  This is a wet site.  Campsites are rustic, so please contact the event steward Luftwine - brotherbootknifeofpatience@gmail.com if you have any need such as scooter access or power for a cpap machine.  No promises, but we will try to problem-solve.  

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