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Ethereal Court of Northshield - Schützenfest/Mermaids Retreat

Hosted by: Kingdom of Northshield

Start Date: 5/29/2020 Thru End Date: 5/29/2020 55

Click Here for the Transcript of the Court Business
(transcript by THL Raghnil de Sawley)


7PM Start time

As some may have noticed, Their Majesties are currently away from the kingdom on diplomatic and scientific research excursions. It is their hope that the knowledge they find and alliances they make will be of great benefit to the kingdom, both in this, the year of the plague, and in future years.


A few weeks ago, while on their expedition to the north to track the elusive spotted keythong (with little success), they heard word of a colony of mer-folk in Caledonia living in a castle moat. This illustrious underwater community is in perpetual conflict with the Caledonians, a hard-headed, stubborn clan of great renown, who lives in the castle. While the dispute itself is terrible, it has resulted in a singular positive point: the mer-folk have learned to shoot arrows underwater. 


Their Majesties, being well-versed in mer-folk politics as well as the sensibilities of those who dwell on land, have invited all invested parties to a summit in a loch at the base of Sìdh Chailleann, the fairy hill of the Caledonians, in the hopes that a truce can be brokered. If successful, the mer-folk have agreed to demonstrate their underwater archery talents. Their Majesties intend to analyze the physics behind this skill, which is of great interest to Masters Vidi and Crispin, and Mistress Mysie, among others. As the lands of Northshield contain a great many lakes, this knowledge will be of great strategic value for the kingdom.


This mission does not absolve them of their duties to you, the People of Northshield, and so they have made arrangements with their wizards to hold an ethereal court. Their Majesties have once again asked me to relay this missive:

Ciaran and Elis, Ri and Banrion of Northshield, to their populace of all ranks and all who these present letters shall see or hear, Health.

By the word and will of ourselves, any and all peoples and gentles are invited to attend to us upon the occasion of our Ethereal Court, called Schutzenfest at Mermaids Retreat, to be held on the fourth day before the Kalends of June, sixth feria, eighth of the moon, being Friday 29 May Anno Societatis 55, 2020 by the common reckoning.

And as all are aware, by the map and by the wheel, that the Stellar Kingdom of Northshield is so great as to transcend time, our Ethereal Court shall begin at 8pm where the sun rises, 7pm where the sun burns hottest, and 6pm where the sun sets.

And whereas roads and paths are not safely navigable by our populace, and whereas our own selves, though capable of aforementioned time travel, are unable to travel through space instantaneously, we have provided the following mechanisms wherein our populace can bear witness to this Ethereal Court and the goings-on therein.

Kingdom Official FB Page: https://www.facebook.com/SCANorthshield/

Kingdom YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCU3tGV18QKVnunclqxxMMDw

And whereas we wish to confer with certain nobles and peoples, we issue a writ of summons for these certain nobles and peoples to attend us in court, with the list being as follows:

  • Rosamund

  • Ulfhildr Thegjandi

  • Theodweard l'Archier

  • Michahel Auerer

  • Cehero Oakensword

  • Magnus Vargrson

  • Viviane de Corvaria

  • Thora Sigurdsdottir  

  • Calamus

  • Hilda Steward

  • Malena of House Gunnarsson 

  • Ellen de Wynter

  • Farolfus filius Richardi

  • Belle de la Tour

  • Gilchrist

  • Taion Orbanus

  • If you have been requested to attend, Please fill out this form https://forms.gle/BrfMQ4azRQ32joa6A and then RSVP with Their Majesties chamberlains by Wednesday, May 27th  nsr32chamberlain@gmail.com or Sarah Brower(Adal) via facebook messenger.  They will relay details of how to connect to the Ethereal realm.

We look forward to sharing the results of our mission to Caledonia with all of you. There is some talk of stringing bows with seaweed which sounds like something mer-folk would come up with. We hope you are safe at home, and know that while our bodies are elsewhere, our hearts are with you always.

By our words and will,

Ciaran Ri Northshield

Elis Banrion Northshield 

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