Young Man Retaining Young Man Retaining

Nordskogen Champions Day**CANCELLED **

Hosted by: Canton of Blachemere (inactive)

Start Date: 5/16/2020 Thru End Date: 5/16/2020 55
Forest Lake Education Center (Door 4)
943 9th Ave SW
Forest Lake MN 55025

Planned Activities: Armored Combat , Rapier Combat
Site opens/closes:  9am -4pm CST
Site fees:  Adult (18 & older) $15; Adult member $10; 30 max family; Children (17 and younger) free; 
Checks payable to SCA Inc - Canton of Blachemere
Event Steward :  Duke Tom Tinntinnabulum (Thomas Holliday) email:  phone#: 651-269-4524
Site is handicap accessible

Come join their excellencies the baron and baroness of Nordskogen as they host a day of fun and fighting in both Rapier and Heavy to help them select their next champions for the Barony of Nordskogen.  All comers are allowed to participate in the days events but only members of the Barony can be considered for the champions jobs.  There is also space for folks to setup populace spaces  and enjoy the day as well even if you do not fight rapier or heavy.  There is no feast of sold food but you are allowed to bring your own food and drink.

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