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Pennsic War 49**POSTPONED UNTIL 2021*

Hosted by: Kingdom of Æthelmearc

Start Date: 7/24/2020 Thru End Date: 8/9/2020 55
Coopers Lake Campground
205 Currie Rd
Slippery Rock PA 16057

On July 24, the drums of war shall sound again in the Kingdom of Æthelmearc as the populace of the known world returns for the 49th Pennsic War!  Armies shall clash on the field of combat, doing great deeds and fighting for honor and victory of their home lands.  Artisans from across the Society gather to display their finest works and share their secrets with those who would learn from them.  Performers of all kinds will entertain the people, old friends will reunite and new ones made as all gather in fellowship.

***At this time, Pennsic staff are monitoring the state of the COVID-19 pandemic, and continue to plan to hold War as regularly scheduled for the time being.  You can find a recent statement on that situation at the Pennsic homepage.***

The 49th Pennsic War opens on July 24, 2020 and closes promptly at noon on Sunday, August 9.  Pre-registration is now open at www.pennsicwar.org.  Mail-in registration closes May 31st, paid pre-registration closes on June 16th, and unpaid pre-registration closes on July 6.

Questions about specific activities at Pennsic should be directed to the office in charge.  That information can be found on the Pennsic website listed above.

Mayor Sir Gregory Lochswan and the Pennsic staff look forward to another year of welcoming the known world to another great War!

From a letter dated 3/16/2020

 Pennsic War 49 - COVID-19 update


G’Day Everyone,


From the Mayor, Pennsic 49.


First of all, I want to reassureyou all that the Pennsic 49 Senior Executive Group, the Pennsic Seneschal’sGroup, Pennsic 49 Staff and the Management Group of Coopers Lake Camp Groundwill continue to consider all precautions to protect Pennsic 49 attendees asmuch as possible from the current health Issue sweeping our countries, theCOVID-19 Virus Pandemic outbreak.


We are still about 4.3 months awayfrom Pennsic and therefore have plenty of time to access and re-assess the riskto attendees and organisers alike as we get closer to Pennsic 49 start date.


Pennsic War is a unique event for attendeeswho come face-to-face with one another every day. The Pennsic 49 executive isfocused on delivering a safe, healthy event site by planning to adopt variousprecautions that are sustainable and safe for Pennsic 49 attendee’s long-termwelfare in mind.  


I have already been in discussionswith the James Brezel of the Coopers Lake Management group and we areprogressing plans should a worst case situation develop.


The Pennsic 49, Executive Management Group will remain alert toany increased risk and ensure that we take all precautions for the safety,health and wellbeing of all those who attend Pennsic. You will be advised ofany future developments as they come to hand. However, it must be noted that atthis stage there is no plan to cancel Pennsic 49.


That being said, some decisions maybe be out of our hands. We haveno control over the SCA, State or Federal Government bodies that may enforceclosure of these types of events in the interest of public safety. However, wewill plan and act accordingly as per that direction or advice from these bodies.


At this time the SCA isapproaching the issue of COVID-19 on a monthly basis and that is the plan forPennsic 49. We are “NOT” pressing the panic button and Pennsic 49 is “NOT” being cancelled.


We are now at Stage 1 only.


Stage 1. Proceed withPlanning for Pennsic49 as per usual.


Stage 2. In the eventthat Aethelmarc War Practice is cancelled, Pennsic 49 Executive Staff stillplan to meet and continue the planning for Pennsic 49, however this will bewith reduced numbers with essential staff members only, attending the meetingor appearing by Vidcom link to the meeting.


I promise I will keep everyoneadvised with the facts as they come to hand. If you don’t hear it from me, ithas not been said.


Kind regards

Greg Turkich

(Sir Gregory of Loch Swan)


Pennsic 49 

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