Master Aleksandr Vasilevych Lev of Volynia Master Aleksandr Vasilevych Lev of Volynia

Waiting for Reverdie

Hosted by: Shire of Schattentor

Start Date: 2/15/2020 Thru End Date: 2/15/2020 54
Agape Spiritual Center
610 St Francis St.
Rapid City SD 57702

Planned Activities: Arts & Sciences Display , Arts & Sciences Competition , Bardic Activities
This event is a chance to relax and visit with friends, or make new ones.
Site opens 10AM
Site closes 9PM

The site fee is $10 each or $5 for members

Checks payable to: SCA Inc-Shire of Schattentor

***Site is dry***
The feast will be a pot luck which will also be an A&S competition. Entering the competition is not necessary, but if you would like to make a period dish and show a little research as well as the ingredients of the dish, and what changes you made to the dish, it can be entered.  If you bring a dish that won't be entered, please include a list of the ingredients if possible for allergy purposes.

There will also be a baked goods silent auction, with a possibility of other items as well.

For bardic, there will be 2 categories for a poem contest.  The categories will be 1) to write a poem of Spring, or 2) of Forsaken Love.

We will be doing some spring crafts, such as mask making.  There will be supplies available, but if you wish to bring anything special for the crafts, such as flowers, etc., please feel free to do so.

There will also be a variety of games to play.

We are looking into the possibility of having some classes.  If there are to be any, they will be added here accordingly.

The event steward is Sigríðr Ornólfrsdottir 

If you have any questions please call 605-593-3749, or send an email to

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