This picture is about 30 years old. He is still active in Northshield. Do you know who this is today? This picture is about 30 years old. He is still active in Northshield. Do you know who this is today?

Griffin Faire

Hosted by: Village of Norwealdmere

Start Date: 9/6/2019 Thru End Date: 9/8/2019 54
***ADDREESS CHANGE*** Camp Birch Woods
W5680 Olivitti Lake Rd
Irma WI 54442

Planned Activities: Armored Combat , Archery , Arts & Sciences Display , Bardic Activities , Classes , Dancing , Rapier Combat , Youth Activities

Come revel and play at the Griffin Faire as summer draws nigh. Tis to be filled with great excitement and expectation as our world will open to the eyes of the young. For this event will open its gate on the Morning of Saturday to the Girl Scouts of the Northwestern Great Lakes.  With great energy and anticipation there hopes to be a wide variety of classes, games, dancing, combat, merchants and merriment. So let your inner child come to play and explore your craft and knowledge so perhaps you will be inclined to share. Our history will never be so real, as when we see it reflected in the eyes of the young. This will be a wonderful opportunity to showcase your unique talents to an eager group of Girl Scouts. While allowing them a firsthand look through a portal of time and magic that is the SCA.


Site will open at 4pm on Friday September 6th, 2019 and close Sunday September 8th at 10am.

Site will open to the Girl Scouts Saturday 9am and close 4pm


A celebratory feast is in planning for Saturday night. Details to follow



Site Fee: Everyone arriving must report to Gate.

Adult Members: $0

                              Minors: $0

Camping Fees: $0

           Bunk  Fees: $5


Bunk Pre-Registration: Must be received by August 16, 2019 space is limited and will be filled on a first come basis.  Please indicate upper or lower bunk preference. and if you have any medical needs

 Write Checks Payable: SCA-WI Barony of Windhaven

                           Mail Pre-Registration to:

                                                                                Dyonisia Buleheued

                                                                                302 3rd Ave East

                                                                                Ashland, WI 54806


Merchants, Smiths and Artisans: The space provided will be outdoors and you will need to supply your own tent/shade-fly, tables and chairs.

                              Please reserve you space by August 23, 2019

Also please note any special needs/request you have at this time, so we can best accommodate you to the best of our ability.  

                                                 Fee: $0

                                  Please email the MSA Liaison at:

                                                To be updated or any question/reservations please contact Event Steward.



About the site:


               Acanopy of trees, a serene lake, and a glorious field fit for battle is what will greet you at Camp Birch Trails.  The site is located just 10 minutes from the city of Merrill. The grounds offer potable water, a mixture of flushable and pit toilet, a shower house, and electricity in the main structures. There is also an archery range and ample fire circles. 

*Anyone planning on a fire or working with flame must have a fire extinguisher and water on hand.

  **Animals are welcome but must be taken care of and controlled at all times.  

        ***Site is BONE DRY during the Girl Scout Hours.    ***Otherwise site is wet. We ask that you take your bottles or cans with you.

Local Hotels:

Borders Inn and Suites                                   AmericInn                                           EconoLodge

3209 E. Main St. Merrill, WI 54452            3300 E. Main St. Merrill                 200 South Pine Ridge Ave

(715)536-6880                                                    (715)536-7979                                    (715)536-9526



Looking for people for the following activities:

*Teach Classes


*Give Demonstrations to an eager audience who have NEVER seen our skills and crafts before.

*Run games

*Tell Stories

*Sing Songs

*Help the list field

*Speak to the audience about martial form.

*Help create atmosphere

*Help Set-up

*Help Tear Down


**Have a really awesome idea for something but it isn’t listed? This might be a great event to try it out! If you have any fun ideas please feel free to send a message to the Event Steward.


Event Steward: Ysabella Cardi (Jessica Murray) 715-218-4470 email:

Co-Steward: Amytis de la Fontaine (Michelle Santy) 715-891-8280 email:

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