Zadok ben Solomon ibn Alfakhar Zadok ben Solomon ibn Alfakhar

Known World Academy of the Rapier 2008

Hosted by: Kingdom of Middle

Start Date: 11/7/2008 Thru End Date: 11/9/2008 43
Drawbridge Inn
2477 Royal Drive
Fort Mitchell KY 41017

Planned Activities: Classes , Rapier Combat

The Barony of Fenix and the Middle Kingdom are pleased to host the 2008 Known World Academy of the Rapier!

There will be classes for historical rapier combat, classes for SCA rapier combat, classes for A&S of interest to late-period personae, tournaments for all levels of skill and interest! There will be parties to meet and greet your fellow Courtiers. There will be a field trip to the Frazier Arms an Armory Museum - an official depository from the British Royal Armories.

All of this will take place in the gorgeous Drawbridge Inn, which is a Medieval-themed hotel and convention center. The Drawbridge Inn has a series of restaurants, bars, a night club, business center, coffee shops, gift shops, a lovely pool courtyard, Wi-Fi, and other features to make the stay pleasant. They have given us a very generous deal on rooms!

KWAR 2008 takes place in Northern Kentucky within the metro of Cincinnati, Ohio. There is a convenient shuttle from the airport as well as a meeting of several major highways. Aside from the Cincinnati International Airport, there are four other International Airports within an hour and a half of site.

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