Northshield under the leadership of HRM Hagan take the flag in the rapier ravine battle at Gulf Wars Northshield under the leadership of HRM Hagan take the flag in the rapier ravine battle at Gulf Wars

Glory War X

Hosted by: Unser Hafen, Outlands

Start Date: 7/4/2007 Thru End Date: 7/8/2007 42
LCCC Vedauwoo Natural Hisotry Site
5 miles north of Buford exit on 1-80
Buford 82052

Planned Activities: Armored Combat , Archery , Bardic Activities , Classes , Dancing , Rapier Combat , Thrown Weapons , Youth Activities

Heed the Call to Glory!

With the High Summer comes the Tenth Anniversary of Glory, and the call goes out to all those who seek glory to gather once again in the mountains of the Outlands. All are called, but only the best will achieve their goal, for a challenge has been issued:Walk the Seven Paths to GloryThere are many valiant and honorable fighters spanning the Kingdoms of the Knowne World, and there are many who take up the rapier, the bow, or the axe and grow in renown among their ranks. Others hone their skills in the arts and sciences, or sing tales and poems to teach and entertain. Still others devote themselves to service. Each achieves personal glory from their accomplishments.But few indeed are those who draw from themselves the courage to engage in ALL these contests of strength, will and determination. And so I offer an open challenge to all who would come to Walk the Seven Paths to Glory.

* The Path of Strength Show your strength and tactical skills in armored combat.* The Path of Steel Test your speed and reflexes in rapier combat.* The Arrow's Path Demonstrate your sharp eyes and steady arm on the archery range.* The Path of Flying Daggers Pierce targets with missile weapons.* The Path of Knowledge Show your skills as an artisan, scholar, or craftsman.* The Path of the Word Perform a piece in a bardic circle.* The Path of Service Give of your time and energies to fill a need.

Can any one warrior walk all seven paths, and achieve the ultimate Glory? Only time will tell...

The "Seven Paths to Glory" challenge will consist of six contests (heavy, rapier, archery, thrown weapons, arts & sciences, and bardic), each one open to participants of all skill levels. To answer the challenge, a warrior must enter each of these events, and perform a volunteer service before the challenge ends, thereby walking all Seven Paths to Glory. The challenge will conclude on the seventh day of the seventh month of the seventh year of the new millenium (Saturday, July 7th).

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