Richard of Cumberland & Gwynnora Loveitt of Linenthall Richard of Cumberland & Gwynnora Loveitt of Linenthall


Hosted by: Shire of Dreibrucken

Start Date: 10/21/2006 Thru End Date: 10/21/2006 41
Unitarian Universalist Fellowship
818 E Divide Ave
Bismarck ND 58501

Planned Activities: Classes , Dancing

Let it be known that:

The Outpost of Driebrucken ( will be hosting a day of Classes, Arts and Sciences and Dancing on October 21, AS XLI (2006). The Day will start with classes and end with a Renaissance period Masquerade Ball.

There will also be a competition to pick the Lord and Lady of the Masquerade by populous vote - Mask making class on site or bring your own.

A&S Display/Competition by populous vote


Yet to be determined

If you would like to teach a class please contact the Class Coordinator (

Current planned Classes: Mask-making; Woman's Armouring: fighting belt patterns; Anglo-Saxon buckets; Court Entertainment; Basic Tabby Weave; Brewer's Round Table; and Dance

Site Fee: $5 and $10 for feast.

The Site is handicap accessible.

The deadline for Pre-reg is Saturday October 7, 2006.

The site is Wet. We may have a brewers round table, but details are still in the planning process.

We are planning to have a reading of medieval childrens stories.

If you have any questions please contact the Autocrat (

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